Derrick, der Henker (Derrick the Executioner) – Prolog. Turn back and go up the pathway that took you down. Wait until she’s near finished and attack her. They are listed in chronological order below. NIOH – Boss Guide / Leitfaden . Look to your right as you climb, and you’ll see a small bridge.
At one point, you’ll reach a tall cavern, with many enemies. This new path leads to one Yokai spawn spot. If you are really close, the boss might perform one of a few melee attacks. The most viscous one is where she spins in circles like a whirlpool.
This was intentional and done with good reason. Dodge her Paralysis cast attack at all costs. Many noticed that with The Last of Us Part II that it was missing a review score at the end. How to Beat Hino-Enma – Nioh Third Boss Guide. If you linger too long she will go right into another attack and potentially inflict significant damage. The third boss in Nioh is arguably one of the easiest to defeat, simply because she telegraphs many of her attacks which makes them far easier to dodge compared to many other bosses in the game.
One of the items that you’ll surely have in your inventory is the Antiparalytic Needle. This is a sign of a range charge attack. She’ll throw two sets of needles toward you, but you can block those with relative ease. However, if you happen to get stunned, use the acupuncture needles immediately to remove the paralysis. Sobald die zweite Phase beginnt, müsst ihr den Boss genau beobachten und deutlich schneller ausweichen. Once used, this item removes the paralysis effect.Thank you for the great tips and walk through especially about the shrine closest to the boss, don’t know how I missed that one. Once it is down, climb up the ladders, and you can pray at the shrine.The trick to defeat Hino-enma is staying in her mid-range, as close to her as you can. Nioh Third Boss - Defeat Hino-enma.
This article covers some of the best strategies to defeat Hino-enma, the third boss in Nioh, at any level and using any armament. She’s really fast and has a stun attack. Her primary attack is a purple projectile that will inflict damage and stun if it makes contact with you. The stun brakes after some time, or after she damages you again. You can also block many of her attacks which is a huge help. She will also dive down if you’re standing directly below her, so avoid that positioning. However, there are some useful items that can help you through the battle.After making it through the Deep in the Shadows mission you will come face to face with Hino-enma, who is essentially a succubus. Jump on it from the pathway. Find out what the rewards, unlock requirements and recommended level for the elusive Twilight Missions in Nioh. Nioh 2 contains lots of boss fights. Home » Nioh » Nioh Hino-enma Boss Fight – How to defeat the third boss. You can also block many of her attacks which is a huge help. If you’re close enough when she uses the purple projectile you can quickly dash in and attack there as well, but the timing is a little tight.When Hino-enma takes to the air she uses three different attacks alongside the purple projectile.
There is a shrine behind this spawn spot.You can’t pray at the shrine with the Yokai so close. Hino-enma is a boss in Nioh. When the host player enters the arena, the visiting player will automatically be teleported to the boss fight. Tips Nioh Twilight Missions - Rewards, Unlock Requirements. This Nioh 2 Boss Guide will walk you through the best tactics to defeat all bosses in the game. While you can dodge most of Hino-enma’s attacks even with moderately heavy armor, ideally you want to go into the battle with light armor so it’s that much easier to evade her attacks.Hino-enma only uses a handful of attacks, and once you know how to avoid them and when to attack, this fight becomes much easier. The spinning attack can be blocked at the cost of some stamina, but it’s not a heavy drain. DLC Bosses in Nioh are located on this page. Missionsstufe: 1. You’ll need to play aggressively and dodge like mad if you want to survive this fight. She’s a cave-dwelling succubus you’ll encounter in Deep in the Shadows, the second proper mission. The approach with which I’ve had the most success is to let her chase me, while keeping her as close as I was comfortable. This page contains the Dragon of the North Bosses and will be updated with more bosses as the other DLCs are released. Jump down the platform and let the Yokai follow you.