A motion picture should be able to stand on its own without dialog. I've read it with great interest, for many years.
I doubt it.a bunch of quite depressing and ordinary photo's.
It's a richer world when we broaden our perspectives about the way things should be.#11 wih the Pangolin trying to escape its fate in the frying pan really creeped me out.At least they don't look as over processed and artificial as other contests.Funny how every single anti-government demonstration anywhere in the world has just suddenly evaporated. Here are our first impressions using it.If you're looking for a high-quality camera, you don't need to spend a ton of cash, nor do you need to buy the latest and greatest new product on the market. Maybe the subjects weren't there.
Most importantly I wouldn't get much enjoyment or satisfaction out this 'type' of photography.Another one of these contests where its more about the story than the photo.But lets face it. These are images designed to accompany news reports or documentaries. "Jury chair Lekgetho Makola said that despite being taken during a time of conflict, the photo "inspires people". The photos of the leaders of these countries don't matter.
Join filmmaker Andy Maser as he uses the new DJI Mavic Air 2 to explore the beautiful Alvord Desert in Oregon.The Nikkor 120-300mm F2.8 has all the trappings of a pro-grade lens: it's unapologetically heavy, offers weather sealing and sports an alphabet soup of special lens elements and coatings in its name.
).I think all of these photos are taken in a hurry. The World Press Photo Foundation recently announced the results of its 63rd annual World Press Photo Contest.
What a bunch of bs this is.Take a picture of the corruption and ignorance. Take pictures of them, tell the story of how bad they are off, great...it’s not their fault, we all know that. In its latest release, darktable version 3.2 includes many new features and performance improvements.The newly detailed work adds extensions to an available AI technology, giving it the new ability to transform tourist images into complex, accurate models of the subject.Even when they're broken and embalmed in copper, Leica cameras don't come cheap, apparently. When did you last see a pangolin being killed or an IED exploding? Their application was denied and they were deported to Poland.
You can call those WWP winners journalists as well if you want; they are just another league.Exactly! Heat your oven to 500 and see how close you have to be to the open door to be uncomfortable.This is unexceptional. I hope the people escaped safely.Pretty impressive, that’s the cars aluminum engine block that melted.
Aug 11, 2020
Certainly overprocessed for sure!Yep perhaps worldpress organization should hire some photography forum experts.... most of the people here have never even been close to any of the situations portray in those images, and here we are complaining. You'd think Australia wanted to promote dying coral reefs and global warming.For all of you complaining about these photos, what are you looking for in them?
Story telling at it's best: idiots swimming with Tigers, war and destruction, slaughtering endangered species, the results of global warming . That's why some less than technically perfect photos hang in museum walls and are memorialized for generations to come.#'s 2, 4, 5 and 8 are great in terms of composition and suspense.C plus, photojournalism is, by definition, about the story - that's the genre. If the caption adds something to the photo, ok, but if it depends on it, then the photographer should work on his/her skills.These are supposed to be award winning category photos. In many of them the composition could have been better by moving a few inches/feet to the right/left/up/down. provided enough heat locally for the metal to melt.Air is a tremendous insulator. Take a look at our samples.The organizers of the 2020 Comedy Pet Photo Awards have released the ‘Best Images Entered So Far,’ showing off laughing horses, goofy dogs and sluggish cats. Granted, I am a Toronto Raptors fan, but... still. That’s the real story. I think they would elicit a response and closer inspection.That's not fair, they will also venture out for a sunset photo from time to time! These are external links and will open in a new window Sudan after Bashir: 'The revolution is on the curriculum' Ethiopian Airlines ET302: The local woman mourning with families If the Fuji image was titled, "A bunch of guys singing 'Hello Dolly' to a friend arriving on a boat" it would not have been considered.The great photographers think of themselves as storytellers.
These midrange cameras should have capable autofocus systems, lots of direct controls and the latest sensors offering great image quality. “Protests in Sudan began in December 2018 and spread rapidly throughout the country. This photo won a World Press Photo prize on Thursday. And even if it did happen, that wouldn't be enough, because there are simply far too many of us.Our population has reached bursting point, and now we'll have to watch nature (which I liken to a force equal in stature to physics and mathematics) use it's population control mechanisms - predation, parasitism, disease etc - take its course.KZ7 - Yes I think it is a slightly Utopian view, although I agree in principle.A good example would be Greta Thunberg, a single person who influenced many.
The new 85mm F1.8 lens is the first autofocus lens budget optics manufacturer Meike has released. An image from last year's popular uprising in Sudan has won the prestigious World Press Photo of the Year Award.
Take a picture of the idiots running these countries, the decisions they make, the f%^^ed up believes they adhere to, that keep people from becoming few human beings. Basically I am not interested in taking (most of) these recent competition winning photos. 'Kho, the Genesis of a Revolt' by Romain Laurendeau, which documented the unease of Algerian youth that led to the biggest protest in decades, was selected as World Press Photo Story of the Year. Aug 16, 2020
That’s the real story.I have no idea what you're on about. That, that would be more interesting and action provoking. 44 winners, 30 which are recognized for the first time, hail from 24 countries.