I'm better alone
I would like a fucking breakdown, when were you planning on fucking telling me
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Lyrics to 'Waste Of Time' by Snow Tha Product.
Listen to Waste of Time by Snow Tha Product - Hip Hop Singalongs. Stream Waste of Time by SNOW THA PRODUCT from desktop or your mobile device With your consent, we would like to use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your experience with our service, for analytics, and for advertising purposes. Waste of Time Lyrics.
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Snow Tha Product - Waste Of Time (Letra e música para ouvir) - I don't know when you thought that this shit wasn't worth prioritizing or at least / Given my ass a heads up so I could continue with the way I … For you
A fucking waste of time
Produced by DJ Pumba. I was thinking this whole time that we had something going strong uh huh
That's annoying, right
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Anything you gotta say now, probably gonna be the time to say it
'Cause you're a fucking waste of time
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Claudia Alexandra Feliciano, known professionally as Snow Tha Product, is a Mexican-American Hip hop recording artist from San Jose, California. Scrobbling is when Last.fm tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile. Snow is best known for the singles "Holy Shit" and "Drunk Love", as well as her mixtape Good Nights & Bad Mornings. Écoutez Waste of Time par Snow Tha Product - Waste of Time.
I'll be alright
I don't know when you changed it up on me, but I could've swore I never got the text
I'll be alright
To stop fucking bullshitting, what the fuck
I'm better alone
'Cause you're a fucking waste of time