Basilique Saint-Etienne. Vous aurez le temps de découvrir trois capitales européennes : Vienne, Bratislava et Budapest. You cannot book more than one rider and one pillion passenger per motorcycle.You cannot book more than one rider and one pillion passenger per motorcycleOnly one bicycle can be booked per ticket. Il existe une traversée a partir de Vienne en Hydrofoil. If nothing appears automatically, start typing Vienna. But if you don’t have time for We'll also show you any routes similar to Vienna to Budapest so you have the complete picture when making your booking. Transfert en autobus public en après-midi vers la ville de Vienne. Le circuit cyclo-touristique « Danube, vélo & bateau » est une croisière fluviale paisible à laquelle plusieurs randonnées vélo donneront une touche un petit peu plus sportive.

La matinée est libre. Please note that the information provided is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time we have received the same information from the Ferry Operators. sera appliqué (dû au passage du Pape). The Danube is the pearl of European river shipping. Just use the form above and choose the route that you want. Vienna to Budapest is a popular route, so we advise you to Vienna is the capital city of Austria, located in the east of the country on the Danube River. Transfert en bateau (ou en train selon la période) jusqu’à Budapest durant lequel vous pourrez profiter d’une vue unique sur les plus beaux bâtiments de la ville.

Take a walk throught the streets of the old town to St Stephen's Cathedral and climb the 343 steps of it's viewing platform, or simply relax with a cruise on the Danube.Budapest in Hungary is linked to Vienna in Austria via the mighty river Danube which flows through 10 countries, more than any other river in the world, making the Danube Europe's second longest river. The trip The situation is changing rapidly and we will try to keep the website updated as soon as we receive updates from the ferry companies. En bateau, bien sûr! Pour le trajet Vienne/Budapest je suis passé par la compagnie Orangeways, trajet de bus de 3 heures environ pour 10 € prix imbattable! En cas d’une nuitée à Budapest entre le 17 et le 19 Septembre 2020, un supplément de 35€/pers. Visite de Budapest en bateau. Cela peut aussi vous intéresser. Even if Vienna means nothing to you, it would be hard to imagine a city with a greater heritage in classical music, having been home at various times to Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Johann Strauss (I and II), Richard Strauss, Brahms and Vivaldi. The ships are usually departing from Passau (Germany), traveling to Budapest (Hungary) or to the Danube Delta (Black Sea) in Romania. Jour 8 : … Jour 8 : Budapest. If there is more than one ferry company operating on the Vienna Budapest route we will show you all the ferry companies, to make sure you get our best price. 3 Voir la galerie d'images. There are many variations with different ports and durations of 4-16 days. We ask all our customers to send us reviews for Vienna to Budapest ferries.

Bateau : La visite du Danube en bateau est une excellente option. Déjeuner à bord d'un bateau sur le Danube. If you wish to book more than one bicycle you will need to make a separate booking for each bicycle. When you have the route that you want, choose single or return and all the other options you want.If there is more than one ferry company operating on the Vienna Budapest route we will show you all the ferry companies, to make sure you get our best price. Since you are not travelling on the open board, you don’t need extra clothes, though the river cruise is a real treat with many beautiful sights along the river. Buffet sur une croisière nocturne. Vienna and Budapest are connected by the Danube River, the second longest in Europe, which runs about 1,770 miles from the … Most of the time you can do this by yourself.

The ships are usually departing from Passau (Germany), traveling to Budapest (Hungary) or to the Danube Delta (Black Sea) in Romania. Szentendre est célèbre pour ses nombreuses boutiques d'artisanat et l'Open-air Musée Skanzen. From Vienna to Budapest by boat The Danube is the pearl of European river shipping. Book a Vienna to Budapest ferry today with AFerry.