It’s a thing they don’t have in their own lives, so that when they go to a party they all want to eat like mad. Of course people came and went, some for only an hour, leaving the intimate members of the circle to stay longer. Oui c'est un très joli poème.
Because of her bearing she appeared tall, but actually she wasn’t. Of course Dolly had a very Firbankish sense of humor.In the 30s there were lots of English visitors, who came whenever they happened to be in Paris: Dolly Wilde, Daisy Fellowes, Victor and Nancy Cunard. I can still see her two slender hands resting open and lifeless on the tablecloth.This fainting spell, or whatever it was, lasted less than ten seconds, and Renée came to without embarrassment.“Forgive me, my dears, I must have gone to sleep,” she murmured, and resumed the argument she had left for the fleeting death from which she had returned fired with a strange frenzy.“Oh, that B.!” she exclaimed, “I don’t want to hear any more about him or his verses tonight.
In all too many of her notes, I find that same exclamation repeated, often spelled out frankly in the coarsest words: “Isn’t this life sheer muck? For our final discussion, we went back to the living room.By then, the world seemed in some ways a very different place. She is terrible at present.” Constrained, mystified, we remained and we waited. Her straight blond hair falls to her shoulders, her flower-like face is bent down; she does not lift it even to greet us. Renée Vivien, née Pauline Mary Tarn le 11 juin 1877 à Londres et morte le 18 novembre 1909 à Paris, surnommée « Sapho 1900 », est une poétesse britannique de langue française du courant parnassien de la Belle Époque. Renée's work inhabits a region of elevated melancholy, in which theWhen I found out she was so fallible, so faddy, so enslaved to a ruinous habit that she hoped to keep secret, my instinctive attraction to Renée changed into friendship. Eat these lovely peaches as a toast to my health and come to see me. She never ruffled anyone. She had a collection of those little hats in all shades of gray from Weather by on the rue de Castig lone. What she so foolishly imbibed was no better.I sometimes met Renée in the mornings, when I led my memorable cat Prrou out on a leash for a walk along the grassy paths in the avenue du Bois, and I recall one such encounter. The air is heavy with perfumed incense. On my way, I would rap on the windows of the garden flat where Robert d’Humieres lived, and he would open his window and hold out an immaculate treasure, an armful of snow, that is to say, his blue-eyed white cat, Lanka, saying, “To you I entrust my most precious possession.” saying, Twenty meters father on, and I would confront, at Renée, the air which, like stagnant water, slowed down my steps, the order of incense, of flowers, of overripe apples.
Three or four times I caught her curled up in a corner of a divan, scribbling with a pencil on a writing pad propped on her knees. These new gloves still have a price tag on, do take it off, Justine, will you?”Behind the sewing-room door, which remained open, you heard only a murmured reply: “Yes, mademoiselle. Fever and coughing shook her hollow chest. Renée Vivien - Florilège 2 R. Vivien - Florilège 3 R. Vivien in English (1 poem & biography) R. Vivien in het Nederlands (2 gedichten & biografie) Sappho - English=>Nederlands Louise Labé (24 sonnets) M. Desbordes Valmore (florilège) Mélanie Waldor - Dors à mes pieds A. de Noailles - Le coeur innombrable Louise Ackermann - L'amour et la mort .
Oeuvres poétiques. As usual when she ventured out into the streets, Renée was a bit overdressed. . After ward, it is the sane eye that changes, is affected, becomes fascinated with the mystery it has seen and can never cease to question. It doesn’t matter, so long as they can see enough to put in the salt.” Or about her chauffeurs, ” I always choose them tubercular, my dear. “There’s nothing to digress upon,” he says.How, in general terms, do poems come to you? She also remembered Natalie wearing a Wizard of Oz dress that was made for her by Madame Vionnet, with astrological symbols all over it.Natalie and the Duchesse de Clermont-Tonnerre were not grotesque like Gertrude Stein and Alice Toklas, or Colette, who was a peasant woman with rude manners and hands and feet like bunches of carrots. “Oh , I said, On one occasion and through what influence I do not know, a string quartet of George Antheil’s was played at Natalie’s house. Si la poésie se rencontre partout il n'est pas interdit de la chercher de préférence chez les poètes.
At Renée Vivien’s I could have wished to be younger, so I could be a little fearful. She will kill me. Le Poème « Poème d'Amour » de Renée Vivien publié par marc, fait partie de l'anthologie des poèmes d'amour : Anthologie de la poésie d'amour.