Dodge his incoming blast, then counter with one of your own. Lightning bolts during flight and flames fired from his mount. This boss appears on Archdragon Peak , after ringing the large bell. Physical will deal normal damage, and the Drake doesn't seem overly weak to anything aside from Miracles, which always deal more damage to Dragon based enemies. Keeping him at range will cause him to use his spells with more frequency though, so make sure to only cast your only spells after baiting out one of his own. Archdragon Peak, as its name implies, is populated by Man Serpents, Rock Lizards, and Ancient Wyverns. The other being when the player stays under the mounts body and is reminiscent of the The Nameless King will dismount and absorb the strength of his mount after it is defeated. To get to him, traverse the dungeon until you find a giant bell and a lever.
Always keep your health topped up, even if you don't think you need it. Which on later a play through, can nearly one hit the player in several instances.
Contrary to what its name implies, Archdragon Peak do… His attacks will be dragged out when going after the player. Where things change will be during the next phase. He then proceeds to attack the player through either swipes and slams from his spear. He will try to hit you with lightning or his Although his attacks aren't very spectacular, mostly swings, lunges and stabs, he hits incredibly hard.
His attacks are devastating, and getting in close will mean death. During Phase Two, as a mage you need to stay away from him at all costs. After receiving so much damage, he stumbles and kneels down, taking a few seconds to recover. Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless King (Full) (Dark Souls III Complete Original Soundtrack)The Nameless King calling down lightning upon the Unkindled.Nameless King and King of the Storm Boss Fight - Dark Souls 3The Nameless King of the Storm - Dark Souls 3 BLIND Part 50 - Let's Play HardKing of the Storm and Nameless King DEX/INT build strategyTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. One thing that will work in your favor during this fight is the boss' ability to be stunned. Using a two-handed Lightning Lothric Knight Greatsword +9, It is possible to kill the King of the Storm in just four hits, allowing you to more easily practice the much more difficult Nameless King fight, as well as save much of your estus for it. As with all large Being beneath the dragon will make it impossible for him to hit you, so your only concern is the King who rides him.
Blood, Violence, Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
The Nameless King was once a dragon-slaying god of war, before he sacrificed everything to ally himself with the ancient dragons. His attacks will either be followed with large burst of wind, or lightning and he also possesses several attacks that can release ranged bolts on the player. Even in heavy armor, it will likely do nearly half your health with each swing. This will deal tons of damage to him, helping to chip away at his rather monstrous amount of HP. Both have two qualifiers; one being that he touches down nearby the player and sprays a swatch of fire in their direction, to cover a large area.
This is the one location where you can hit it for full damage. The Storm Drake is protected all over it's body, except the head. If you can, run in front of him and attack to get a very powerful Riposte attack off (The same as a Visceral attack from Bloodborne). Landing two fully charged heavy attacks to his head will stagger him an…
The Nameless King is one of the optional Bosses in Dark Souls 3. Location: The Nameless King can also be found in the Archdragon Peak. It is advised that the player wait for him to finish his attacks before attacking him during his recovery from the combo, or strike him when he is stuck telegraphing his more powerful maneuvers. As a mage, phase one of this fight should be executed the same was as described above.