What we offer... • Short courses with equivalence for ECTS credit points, discounts, assistance with accommodation and visa • Faculty from the best universities worldwide • Excellence in higher education and … Mario C. Raviglione is Professor of Global Health at the University of Milan, Italy, where he is responsible for didactic and research; he is also Professeur Titulaire at the Global Studies Institute of …
logements-enligne(at)unige.ch. Vie pratique à l'UNIGE. UNIGE-UZH: Call for proposal. Have a look at the video!
Academic Exchange. Le Bureau des logements de l'Université (BLOG) gère des logements à caractère social pour étudiants et en favorise le développement. The UNIGE-HUG Welcome Center website is a way to both post housing offers for free and browse offers based on criteria such as type of accommodation, number of rooms, and rental price. Résidences universitaires.
The Welcome Center reviews all offers before posting. Logement et transport.
Il loue des chambres ou studios, soit environ 675 lits, principalement dans les résidences dont il assume la gestion. Voir « Directives d’attribution des logements » et « Schéma de principe des attributions ». Prestations liées aux études .
24 rue du Général-Dufour 1211 Genève 4 T. +41 (0)22 379 71 11 F. +41 (0)22 379 11 34; Contacts; Plan d'accès et réservation de salles; L'UNIGE de A à Z; Admissions UNIGE. Vie associative, sports, culture et médias. Once it is published it will remain on-line for two weeks.Guidelines concerning the allocation of accommodation (fr) Application for September 2020, please use the link : If you want accommodation from March 2020 to June 2020 please write to us at the following addressIf you have questions, or require more information, please contact us at WARNING: we would like to remind you that, in the case of private rentals, the University only hosts the ads, but does not verify their truth. Université de Genève.
Example : a 12m2 room corresponds to 12 hours per month. Your advertisement will need to be checked by the University’s Accommodation Office. Programme « 1h par m² – A student under my roof » A programme for those who like contact : in exchange for a few hours of active presence, a room is made available to a student, under the rule « 1h per m² ».
Events. Inscription aux résidences du BLOG. BLOG will verify the authenticity of your ad. Démarches administratives universitaires.
Étudiant-es à besoins particuliers. CONTENT OF THE MASTER APPLICATION FILE. Santé, sécurité, social et emploi. contracts, inventory form, etc.) Université de Genève.
can also be downloaded from the site. Inscription. Formation 15.06.2020 – 11.09.2020 Geneva Summer Schools.
Ressources à disposition. The deadline for all applications is 28th February. Full Agenda. Following an increase of rental scams, we recommend that you take all the usual precautions before making any payment.If you have questions, or require more information, please contact us at
Par ailleurs, le programme « 1h par m2 » met en contact des étudiants avec des habitants d'accord de proposer une chambre en échange de coups de main. Pour obtenir un logement dès septembre 2020 : ... Si vous souhaitez un logement de mars 2020 à juin 2020 merci de nous écrire à l’adresse suivante : logements(at)unige.ch. Démarches administratives au niveau suisse. Master Admissions. logements(at)unige.ch. Adresse : Rue des Battoirs 7 1211 Genève 4. Université de Genève.
The student pays a compensation (about CHF 100.- to 120.-) for monthly expenses (electricity, heating, etc).. Advertising your accomodation is free. Formation 15.06.2020 – 11.09.2020 Geneva Summer Schools.
We provide different types of accommodation, such as individual bedrooms with access to communal kitchen and bathroom facilities, individual bedrooms in shared apartments for 2 to 7 people, and studio apartments, totalling 675 beds.Two of our residences provide accommodation during the summer (June to August) :Keys are distributed by BLOG and therefore opening hours are those of government offices (Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm).UNIGE students: if you are still looking for accomodations, please read the following guidelines for access to the ads.Fill in all the fields on the form. International Relations & Partnerships.
Come and study in Switzerland! Le BLOG permet à des résidents d'annoncer qu'ils disposent d'une chambre à louer et fournit ces informations aux étudiants. Wait for the validation of the publication of your ad by email. Example : a 12m2 room corresponds to 12 hours per month. Important document templates (e.g. Contacts académiques. Renseignements; S'inscrire à l'UNIGE; Logements ; Bourses et aides financières; L'UNIGE vous informe. Enter your University of Geneva identifier and password below, then click on the button "Login" to continue. Online applications are closed for this year. Choose your candidate and enter into a subletting agreement together using the rules and rental use.A programme for those who like contact : in exchange for a few hours of active presence, a room is made available to a student, under the rule « 1h per m² ».