(Or floor guardi... Urek using 1% of his strength on his index finger against KarakaUrek's 10% punch compared to the ranges of mountains, and the red oceanUrek flicks his finger deflecting Joe's crimson attackTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "What fun would it be to become the king of the Tower? As Baam helps him get close by controlling the shinsu bubbles so that he can use them as platforms to jump across, he swiftly closes the distance while dodging Joe's attacks and grips his hand as he tells Joe how scared and weak he's become and provokes the Red Thryssa to fully take over Joe. Urek é um homem alto, notado por ser bonito. He tries to converse with him, but Joe accuses him of not being there when he needed him and then stealing his power. Yuri asks him how he knows about Garam, but he runs away to check on Joe. He then forcibly removes the Thryssa from Joe's body and crushes its neck while telling Joe he doesn't need such a corrupting power. I thought that Urek would be stronger than Zahard as well, due to the roaming thing and Garam's grudge, but also wondered why his rank ... Urek asks Joe why he became the dictator of South City when he wanted to use his power to free people from the floor, and Joe told him about the complacency of the citizens, the corruption of the Grand regime, and his eventual coup before attacking. It took Urek only 50 years to pass every test and climb all the way up to the top of the Tower.As the strongest currently active Ranker, as an Irregular and as one of the founders of the Urek has been extremely powerful even back when he was just a Regular climbing the Tower. The His relationships are somewhat dull, partly because of his masculine manner. Urek is said to have a ruthless personality, leading him to be respected by all those who dare call themselves men and at the same time seems to be disliked by seemingly every woman he meets. It is rumoured that he has a crush on one of On the other hand, he has great support from men. - Urek Mazino, de… Urek è alto, conosciuto per essere attraente.
The Thryssa thanks him for allowing him to revive, then attacks with a wallop of punches and more laser beams. Sua aparência as vezes lembra um "Rapper". Gustang soon finds him moping, telling him not to be surprised and that Joe was just a bug beneath him, causing Urek to reiterate his distaste of him and the other Family Heads. At some point, Urek tracked Phantaminum and followed him inside the Tower. He wanted to defeat Joe without her knowing, being banned by her from the floor of death after failing too many times to win her heart. This is so obvious Enryu wins.
The His relationships are somewhat dull, partly because of his masculine manner. He is also not entirely without mercy, as he was willing to spare In the Hidden Floor, his enemy data which is a version of himself is much smaller like a child. Some people were saying "oh what if Urek was capable of killing an administrator? He then enlists Baam's help to stop the Thryssa's self-destructing shinsu explosion, having him control the shinsu to create an opening for him to send a baang into the weak spot, destroying it once and for all. Despite his ruthlessness and boastful nature, he still wants to help others and friends in need, (e.g. I will get out of the Tower. Once you imagine that such a world exists, don't you think all those things you want are all so trivial?" On the other hand, he has great support and respect from men due to his tremendous power and famous ruthlessness. Urek is knocked back, but unhurt, and he succeeded in injecting Joe with the syringe. Tell Zahard to keep his boring seat. the hell can that be lul Easily. With Urek nonchalantly brushing it off, Yuje added that the boss said not to break it or On the way to Hell Joe, he encounters Garam in the tunnels and hides, thinking Garam would never love him if she found out he gave Joe the Thryssa. He is also shown to be extremely confident to the point of arrogance, often ridiculing the efforts of those who were no match for him. Outside the Tower, there exists a vast world, rolling skies stretch endlessly, and countless stars illuminate the darkness. He has blonde hair, piercing red eyes and a well-defined musculature with a tattoo of his name and the Wing Tree symbol on his back. Urek and Baam retreated, and Urek takes off his anklet to release his full power. He finally thanks Baam, and asks if he'd be interested in joining Wolhaiksong. Urek Mazino claiming that an Opera can only stop him for .001 of a second. I will get out of the Tower. Ha capelli biondi, occhi rossi e una muscolatura definita con un tatuaggio del suo nome e il simbolo dell'Albero Alato sulla sua schiena. There was a time when Urek, who had a complaint about his rank being lower than Phantaminum's, broke into the Urek has taken an interest in the new Slayer candidate Jyu Viole Grace, partly because of Viole's status, partly because Urek is impressed with Viole's character and partly because Viole managed to scratch Urek in the cheek even while he was protecting Miseng. Solitamente indossa un cappellino con visiera al contrario, con uno stile simile a quello di un rapper. Outside the Tower, there exists a vast world, rolling skies stretch endlessly, and countless stars illuminate the darkness. Si dice che Urek abbia una personalità spietata, che lo porta ad essere rispettato da …