Reflejo explains that pretty soon, the Archimedes will arrive above Viole's current location, and will pour a solution down upon Viole, which will melt him to nothing. Having easily defeated its Vanguard opponent, as well as Bellux's Bundawan Vanguard, in the Growth Tournament's first stage, Vespa laughs at how stupid the Workshop hosts are for not knowing the power of its poisonous sting.Vespa yells out that it's thanks to everyone being morons that this has been extremely easy for it. Shinsu does not have a fixed flow, but there is a temporary flow. Nobic continues to ask questions as to how Yuto knows all this, why she's helping Viole, and why she knew that Khun was alive, but Yuto simply answers that he'll find out soon enough.Since the enemy FUG Team is Reflejo, Sia, Baragav and Ron Mei protecting the main entrance into the Thorn room, Yuto informs Horyang and Nobic that she will head off to act as a distraction there. After Miya leaves, an angry Shibisu then appears to find out from Khun what's going on.Within the Battle Temple arena where the FUG vs. Mad Dog match took place, Yuto, Nobic, and Horyang continue to hide at the base of the mountain that Viole is currently trapped in. They have decided to dissolve Viole, and fuse him with the weapon.Elsewhere, Beta remains sitting at a high location on the island, and is greeted by Cassano, who is revealed to have been the one that freed Beta from his Workshop cage if Beta completed the task of baiting Viole to the Thorn room. Horyang asks if they can truly communicate with their friends this way, which Yuto answers that it's possible as long as they use similar keywords, which Nobic finds amazing. Before he could warn Beta to give up if he's too afraid, Beta had already chosen to swallow the parasite.Devil Bon asks how Beta could swallow it without hesitation, but Beta calls him an idiot for not thinking Beta could handle it given the amount of experiments Workshop had already put him through. They will summon Bam to their side using the tournament's Calling Center.Aboard the Archimedes, an alarm is sounded as the intruder Regulars that were imprisoned along with Traveller are seen attempting an escape through the main door. Viole is now free. Enryu is one of the most mysterious characters in the Tower, almost as mysterious as Phantaminum. Khun gathers the rest of their groups (Rak, Wangnan, Ehwa, Akraptor, Quaetro, Vespa, and Lauroe) to inform them of Bam's current situation, which leaves everyone shocked.Khun spends the next moments cleaning his disguise off in the bathroom, as Shibisu is left confused about why Lero-Ro and Hatz couldn't tell them all this before hand, which Khun answers that FUG has Rankers stationed aboard the Archimedes, so nothing could be done without being seen until the Workshop Battle started. Beta finds it amusing coming across different kinds of people in the Tower from a talking alligator to a bee-person, but gets to the main point, and asks if Vespa is a friend of Viole.Vespa complains that he's incorrect given that Viole is an enemy that stole its honey, which Beta states that they're on the same side given that he doesn't like Viole either. He also thinks about the other people that could be in danger, and remembers that Nobic and Shibisu are also a part of this that could have their lives threatened. The 36th story arc of the Tower of God series consisting of chapters 85 - 90 from the second season. Although remorseless in unleashing his destructive powers and fully confident against enemies, ruthlessly massacring all of Zahard's Rankers with a single burst and even facing the Administrator of the 43rd Floor without fear and fighting it with such intensity as to destroy much of the Floor's environment before finally defeating it, he does not seem to be entirely without mercy; offering all of Zahard's Rankers a chance to leave peacefully and not harming those who fled. Khun thinks to himself that the team will only be completed again when Bam returns to them. At this point, Khun warns Wangnan of an incoming enemy; the red-face from Miya's team.Wangnan and Quaetro manage to dodge out of the way of the red-face's strike as Quaetro prepares his fire Bangs, getting excited that he finally has something to burn up. The rest of the group try to stop him as the alligator heads for the door, but the door suddenly opens from the other side with Khun walking in with a towel finishing his head clean-up.