08700520961 | Every scene in this movie, right from the start, is shot with shaky camera and fast cuts.I don't know who thought that this approach would make The Final chapter a better movie, because it made it the worst, and hopefully the last under the supervision of Paul Anderson. Chris Redfield enlists the help of Leon S. Kennedy and Rebecca Chambers to stop a death merchant, with a vengeance, from spreading a deadly virus in New York. With Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen, Ali Larter, Shawn Roberts. While still out to destroy the evil Umbrella Corporation, Alice joins a group of survivors living in a prison surrounded by the infected who also want to relocate to the mysterious but supposedly unharmed safe haven known only as Arcadia. - Germania, Australia, Canada, Francia 2016. Resident Evil : Chapitre final, ou Resident Evil : L'ultime chapitre au Québec (Resident Evil: The Final Chapter), est un film d'action horrifique germano-britannico-américano-franco-canado-australien, en 3D écrit et réalisé par Paul W. S. Anderson, sorti en 20161. a list of 45 titles Anderson avec Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter. Ascolta l'articolo “Resident Evil – The Final Chapter” va in onda su Rai 4.Nello specifico puoi vederlo comodamente in diretta in tv o in streaming su Rai Play disponibile sul tuo pc, cellulare o tablet. www.allocine.fr/video/player_gen_cmedia=19567297&cfilm=181098.html a list of 10 images Alice returns to where the nightmare began: The Hive in Raccoon City, where the Umbrella Corporation is gathering its forces for a final strike against the only remaining survivors of the apocalypse. Resident Evil – The Final Chapter è un film del 2016, diretto da Paul W.S. È il sesto e ultimo film della saga cinematografica Resident Evil, basata sui videogiochi survival horror della Capcom e il terzo ad essere distribuito in versione 3D Trama. There was only one scene, one moment, where the glory of the real Resident Evil showed some signs of life, but that scene was butchered with amazingly awful editing that made my eyes hurt. It seems the glory of Event Horizon will remain the peak of his career. 117 of 164 people found this review helpful. Survivors of the Raccoon City catastrophe travel across the Nevada desert, hoping to make it to Alaska. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Resident Evil : Chapitre Final Film complet en streaming VF gratuit, Alice, seule survivante de la bataille de Washington contre les zombies, doit retourner à l’endroit où le cauchemar a … This is just some Paul Anderson cash grab, crap fest abomination that carries Resident Evil title, features some zombies, loud music, gun shots, explosions and one of the worst directing and editing I've ever seen.
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 2016 18+ 1h 46m Action Thrillers Alice fights to get to Raccoon City and obtain a crucial antivirus, but Dr. Isaacs, Umbrella Corp. and hordes of … Arriva la resa dei conti per tutti: per Alice Abernarthy e la sua battaglia per recuperare e mettere in salvo quei pochi sopravvissuti all’invasione degli zombi scatenata da un incidente biologico; per la Umbrella Corporation, multinazionale farmaceutica onnipresente e onnipotente come la Spectre, che vuole sfruttare l’epidemia a proprio vantaggio avendo sempre tra le ruote Alice e la sua struttura genetica modificata; per il virus T, motore del disastro planetario e artefice delle peggiori nefandezze orrorifiche in mano alla Umbrella; per Questa volta sarà, inaspettatamente, la Regina rossa, l’intelligenza artificiale della Umbrella corporation, a dettare la missione per Alice e a svelare il sordido piano della Umbrella.