When John unexpectedly and without recollection admits guilt, renowned psychologist Dr. Raines (David Thewlis) is brought in to help him relive his memories and what they discover unmasks a horrifying nationwide mystery. A weatherman finds himself inexplicably living the same day over and over again. Deze film was zelfs in de running voor een Oscar, bijna. The plot twist of the film makes it somewhat more realistic, but the film as a whole felt boring. | Der tages forbehold for eventuelle fejl. A young man in a small Midwestern town struggles to care for his mentally-disabled younger brother and morbidly obese mother while attempting to pursue his own happiness. While Amenábar certainly has an interesting approach to this type of story it might have aided his film even more had he come at it from a different perspective. View All Photos (4) In November 1984, the Soviet Union's best submarine Captain in their newest sub violates orders and heads for the U.S. Is he trying to defect or to start a war? | Rating: 3/4 Vous pouvez modifier les paramètres des témoins; en utilisant notre site, vous acceptez que nous en fassions l'utilisation. I do have some complaints regarding the casting though. It's just a shame that the story is a major letdown. By creating an account, you agree to the Jack Skellington, king of Halloween Town, discovers Christmas Town, but his attempts to bring Christmas to his home causes confusion. Start your free trial today. | Rating: 2/5 I've always found movies like this to be incredibly fascinating and not even for the reason you might think. Zijn vader was een ware tiran en liet Engeland achter in een oorlog. Een aangrijpende film en zeker een van de beste.Noteer het alsjeblieft: Adam Sandler kan tóch acteren. A sexually frustrated suburban father has a mid-life crisis after becoming infatuated with his daughter's best friend. While doing a thesis about violence, Ángela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured until death. That was a major flaw, to me.
A day in the lives of two convenience clerks named Dante and Randal as they annoy customers, discuss movies, and play hockey on the store roof. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption. A teacher lives a lonely life, all the while struggling over his son's custody. Nous utilisons des témoins .
Bekijk hier Esquire's top 20 met films die je in je leven gezien moet hebben. | Rating: 1.5/5 Ga je op vakantie, dan neem je Netflix gewoon met je mee!
Just confirm how you got your ticket.Fandango Régression (Regression) est un thriller horrifique américano-canado-espagnol coproduit, écrit et réalisé par Alejandro Amenábar, sorti en 2015.Le film parle de la régression, une technique psychologique utilisée pour faire revenir des souvenirs, des sensations, des images en faisant passer le patient d'un stade psychique supérieur à plus primitif. They didn't want to commit to it being a legit satanic cult nor did they want to fully commit to it being something imagined as a result of suggestion.
This is a very ponderous affair, pitched in some purgatorial wasteland between cop thriller and Rosemary's Baby-style Satanic drama. Affable hillbillies Tucker and Dale are on vacation at their dilapidated mountain cabin when they are mistaken for murderers by a group of preppy college students. A career criminal nabbed by Mexican authorities is placed in a tough prison where he learns to survive with the help of a young boy. The Bride continues her quest of vengeance against her former boss and lover Bill, the reclusive bouncer Budd, and the treacherous, one-eyed Elle. The documentaries and foreign films outside of the Top 250 will be at the bottom if you're interested. Deriving inspiration from a certain famed Arthur Miller play and reframing it for the era of rampant, media-invoked Satanic Panic fears, "Regression" provocatively blankets its elegiac mystery in a malignant pall of diabolical foreboding.
A high school wise guy is determined to have a day off from school, despite what the Principal thinks of that.
Ga zitten voor het interessante verhaal, blijf kijken voor Mary J. Blige.Emmy-winnende acteur Aaron Paul speelt de hoofdrol als Jesse Pinkman. Soms zie je door de bomen het bos niet meer op Netflix, en lijkt het alsof je steeds maar weer dezelfde opties voorgeschoteld krijgt op basis van je kijkhistorie.Maar geen paniek: Vogue selecteert wekelijks de nieuwste door Netflix geüploade films en series die je echt wil zien. With the help of a psychologist, he'll relive those moments. After awakening from a four-year coma, a former assassin wreaks vengeance on the team of assassins who betrayed her. Of course, through this guise the narrative feels all the more familiar given the number of horror films we've seen that get their "in" through a tortured official investigating these claims that are always scoffed at initially.
Whom can she trust? A freewheeling Detroit cop pursuing a murder investigation finds himself dealing with the very different culture of Beverly Hills. List your movie, TV & celebrity picks. Was this review helpful to you?