This paper presents the results of numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of the BHG on the hydromechanical deep drawing (HDD) of a cylindrical cup made with 2/1 Glare sheets. The surface treatments were evaluated by contact angle, roughness and scanning electron microscopy techniques.
Grey relational analysis (GRA) has been used to find the optimal drilling parameter setting by optimizing the three performance characteristics, like thrust force, torque, and delamination factor.
An approximate formula is derived for the estimation of the critical buckling coefficient of the GLARE plates using the buckling coefficients of their constituents.This paper presents an experimental and numerical investigation into the effect of pre-heat temperature on stretch forming of a fibre metal laminate (FML) comprised of alternating layers of steel and woven (0/90) glass-fibre polypropylene in a 2:1 configuration. The rule of mixtures is evaluated and found to be a simple method to estimate approximately the elastic buckling stress of the GLARE plates. As previously stated, the reported value of ILSS for GLARE laminates is between 40 and 45 MPa in the literature Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work.Multifunctional composites combining EMI SE layer, with SEr and SEa maximized, with prepreg composites for mechanical and structural properties. Knowledge of damping behavior at low temperature is of importance.
The sample pre-heat temperatures were 140 °C (above the crystallization temperature) and 170 °C (melt temperature of polypropylene). CARALL are characterized by impact resistance, a high fatigue strength, and a low density with very low growth rates and efficient crack bridging [1][2][3][4][5]... Moisture absorption is a common issue in FRPs. Analysis of variance is also used for predicting the most contributing parameter and it was found out that, feed rate has the maximum impact in drilling carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP).This article presents selected aspects of an interlaminar shear strength and failure analysis of hybrid fiber metal laminates (FMLs) consisting of alternating layers of a 2024-T3 aluminium alloy and carbon fiber reinforced polymer. The impacted fiber-metal laminate specimens are examined to determine damage area and length using the lock-in thermography method. Both experimental and numerical results from the VBHF were compared with constant BHF results. The latest Tweets from Sportoners (@sportoners). mechanical properties. The adhesion of the hybrid laminates was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and three-point bending test. The tensile and flexural strength and modulus of the fiber-metal laminate are not significantly affected by the presence of polyamide 66 interlayers, except a negligible drop in the value of tensile and flexural strength by 6 and 4%, respectively. As a result, the conventional approaches to form FMLs parts are not very suitable. A long-standing experience of investigations of 3-D textile composites accumulated in the Institute of Polymer Mechanics is generalized in the paper.Fiber-reinforced composites are applied widely as supporting and connecting structures in cryogenic engineering because of their high strength and low thermal conductivity. The impact on the mechanical properties of aerospace epoxy materials reinforced with pristine GNP, highly concentrated Graphene Oxide (GO), and Functionalized Graphene Oxide (FGO) has also been investigated in this study. The blank holder gap (BHG) is one of the effective parameters to control the material flow in the deep drawing process, but in the case of the FMLs, the situation is completely different due to the laminate constituent. Mechanical properties of FML shows improvements over the properties of both Fiber metal laminates are the frontline materials for aeronautical and space structures. The environmental factors can limit the applications of composites by deteriorating the Fiber-metal laminates (FML) composed of alternating layers of unidirectional fiberreinforced plastic (FRP) laminae and aluminum-alloy sheets offer some superior mechanical properties, compared with either conventional laminates consisting of only FRP laminae or high-strength monolithic aluminum alloys. Among the fiber metal laminates (FMLs), the most noteworthy are the laminates where the layers are made of carbon reinforced aluminium laminates (CARALL). In this work, the viscoelastic properties such as elastic (E′) and viscous (E″) responses were obtained for aluminum 2024 alloy; carbon fiber/epoxy; glass fiber/epoxy and their hybrids aluminum 2024 alloy/carbon fiber/epoxy and aluminum 2024 alloy/glass fiber/epoxy composites.
Usually, polymeric matrix absorbs moisture when exposed to humid environments and metals are prone to surface corrosion.
The impregnation of the carbon fibers was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy assisted by electron dispersive spectroscopy showing good carbon fiber/polymer matrix interface. The polyamide 6/6 obtained was characterized by infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and viscosity measurements.
Shear characteristics measured by Iosipescu test and/or its modification Asymmetrical Four-Point Bending (AFPB) are compared with experimental results obtained in the work by seven other shear tests developed for the determination of shear modulus and shear strength of fibrous and layered composites. The simulation, justified with experiments, provided a numerical model of the hybrid material to utilise for forming complex shapes.The carbon/carbon composite processing is considered an advanced technology, mainly due to its space and aeronautical applications, for example, in rocket nozzle throats and aircraft brake manufacturing.