It was soon defeated by Ash's Buizel's Ice Punch He then later used it in his battle against Ash. When he first meets Ash, he demands a 3 on 3 Battle, however since Ash was still looking for Pikachu, Ash couldn't battle, this warranted some aggrivation on Paul's part. (HA) ‹№› en el Torneo de la Liga de Sinnoh. With powerful attacks such as Thunder and Protect, it has the ability to vanquish its foes easily and defend itself when the need arises.
From Veilstone City, he most likely headed to Sandgem Town to get his starter, he has since traveled through Kanto, Johto & Hoenn.However, he is not a caring trainer, what he wants from his Pokémon is pure power and the trainers he faces to be strong. Paul's third Pokémon during the Sinnoh League battle against Ash was Drapion. At the beginning, it was assumed that Paul was a Trainer just starting out. This was a one off loss however as Paul used it in a variety of battles where it won easily. Il est éleveur et s'occupe des Pokémon que Paul laisse à Voilaroc.
Lleva un pantalón de color negro que le llega a los tobillos y unas deportivas moradas y negras con las lenguetas y las suelas blancas. After it's pitiful defeat during the Gym Battle with Hyouta, Paul gave his Azumarill to a passing trainer. Il est ami avec Mélina, la championne de l'arène, et contrairement à son frère, il respecte et apprécie Sacha. However, Pikachu soon got the upper hand. No se sabe mucho sobre el pasado de Paul/Polo. Paul was happy with the strength of the Ursaring and has thus kept it on his team.
It has a variety of Ice attacks at its disposal such as Blizzard as well as some strong physical attacks including Metal Claw. It is a powerful Starly that was able to defeat Ash's Starly in a quick battle. The Pokémon Company International no se responsabiliza del contenido de ningún sitio web vinculado que no esté administrado por The Pokémon Company International.
Sobre Paul: Paul é um treinador que aparece como um novo rival para Ash em Sinnoh. Sending it against Regirock, Hariyama utilised a variety of fighting type volleys in order to try and defeat it.
However, Infernape managed to defeat it Paul es un joven entrenador Pokémonde la misma edad que los protagonistas. It later evolved prior to the Sinnoh League Las políticas de privacidad y las prácticas de seguridad de estos sitios web pueden no seguir las normas de The Pokémon … Ele é um tanto arrogante e acredita que se um Pokémon capturado por ele tiver nível baixo ou for fraco, ele deve ser libertado imediatamente ao invés de receber treinamento, pois só quer pokémon fortes em sua equipe. Aquí la vida de Paul/Polo dio un giro completo , decidiendo ser entrenador Pokémon. Paul's next Pokémon during the Sinnoh League battle against Ash was Gastrodon.
Paul's Weavile was first used in battle against Cynthia's Garchomp. Paul encountered Gliscor in a town near Veilstone City.
Se sabe que cuando el hermano de Paul/Polo, Reggie, seguía siendo entrenador Pokémon, Paul/Polo estuvo presente en el último combate de Reggie como entrenador, contra el último as del frente, Brandon/Valente, en el que el Drapion de Reggie perdió contra Regirock. Using this power, it became a vital part of Paul's team in the Tag Battles and evolved during the final. It evolved before Paul went to Veilstone À la fin du DP002, Paul apparaît accompagné de son Élekid et celui-ci affronte le Pikachu de Sacha dans un match aboutissant à une égalité.. Il réapparaît lors du Tournoi des Matchs en double d'Unionpolis.Lors de cette apparition, on remarque qu'il possède le même caractère que son dresseur.
Il décide alors de retourner défier Brandon, après avoir promis un autre match à son rival.
Paul le prend mal et refuse de jouer : il attaque les Pokémon de Sacha.
However, it eventually fell to Ash's Infernape Junto a su Turtwig, viajó por Hoenn, Kanto y Johto, ganando medallas y compitiendo en las ligas Pokémon, captur…
However, Hyouta's Geodude made quick work of it.