Principal sponsor of the Academy of the Paris OperaBy telephone on 08 92 89 90 90 (€ 0.35 TTC / min from a fixed station excluding potential cost depending on operator) or +33 1 71 25 24 23 from abroad, Monday to Saturday from 9h to 19h.from 10h to 18h30 (at the corner of the streets Scribe and Auber - 75009 Paris).from 12 to 18:30 (130 rue de Lyon - 75012 Paris) from Monday to Saturday (except public holidays) and one hour before the beginning of the performances on Sundays and holidays. The complete programme is available on the website at from September 1st onwards. Minimum purchase of 10 seats per performance. The perfectly chiselled sets evoke the elegance and refinement of a French‑style garden while the costumes draw inspiration from the Age of Enlightenment. Information and advice by email,, or by phone at 01 40 01 80 54 (Monday to Friday from 10h to 13h and from 14h to 16h). His “Violetta 2.0” is an arresting public figure who circulates in a world epitomised by excess, obsessed by appearances and desperate for the recognition that the social networks seem to promise.The musicians and members of the Paris Opera Orchestra and Chorus are offering a series of lunchtime concerts preceded by an introductory meeting.
Enfin, pas ce soir, puisque Bastille restera fermé au public. Ne pas manquer. The final work of a life utterly devoted to dance, The musicians and members of the Paris Opera Orchestra and Chorus are offering a series of lunchtime concerts preceded by an introductory meeting. La Bayadère. Advancing to the caprices of an imaginary Carte du Tendre and guided by strange gardeners, the dancers awaken to love, from first encounters to seduction, from timidity to attraction, from resistance to the sweet appeal of abandon in sublimely soaring “pas de deux”. The complete programme is available on the website at from September 1st onwards.
The musicians and members of the Paris Opera Orchestra and Chorus are offering a series of lunchtime concerts preceded by an introductory meeting. The Opera Bastille will be closed from Saturday 13th July to Thursday 29th August at 12:00. du 04 déc. Opéra Bastille.
The complete programme is available on the website at from September 1st onwards. L'Opéra de Paris a retrouvé son public samedi soir au son des Contes d'Hoffmann à Bastille après une grève historique contre la réforme des retraites mais L'Opéra comme la Comédie-Française sont les seules institutions culturelles concernées par la réforme du gouvernement. La Traviata. Georges Bizet. The musicians and members of the Paris Opera Orchestra and Chorus are offering a series of lunchtime concerts preceded by an introductory meeting. J’ouvre le site internet de l’Opéra qui précise que deux possibilités s’offrent aux spectateurs : - Soit se faire rembourser. Even today, this timeless work continues to explore the codes of love and the way human feelings develop. Deprived of his librettist even before the outbreak of war, Richard Strauss persevered with Krauss and wrote an “academic comedy” brimming with sensitivity and humour in a world where everything was falling apart.When Robert Carsen came to grips with the opera, first performed in 1942, he juxtaposed the Age of Enlightenment with that of Paris under the Occupation, using the mirrors, perspectives and mises en abyme implicit in Charles Garnier’s architecture.The musicians and members of the Paris Opera Orchestra and Chorus are offering a series of lunchtime concerts preceded by an introductory meeting. For groups. Giuseppe Verdi.
The complete programme is available on the website at from September 1st onwards. It doesn't take much, not even music. The complete programme is available on the website at from September 1st onwards. In this piece specifically created for the Paris Opera Ballet in 1994, the choreographer Angelin Preljocaj finds a subtle balance between the classical genius of Mozart’s music and the modernity of his choreographic language. Opéra Bastille. Opéra. du 16 au 31 déc. Ballet. 3 e Scène. du 25 nov. au … Opéra Bastille. Voir toute la programmation. Réouverture des visites guidées du Palais Garnier à partir du lundi 20 juillet Celles qui chantent, en salles à partir du mercredi 8 juilletL’Opéra national de Paris a la tristesse d’apprendre la disparition de Zizi JeanmaireLe collectif #ProtègeTonSoignant rend hommage aux soignants avec une installation de 500 portraits sur la façade de l’Opéra Bastille du 10 au 29 juillet 2020Retour sur #LOPERACHEZSOI# avec l’École de Danse de l’OpéraPour 10 €, l'Opéra est à vous en avant-première ! En ce moment. Become an Arop member and enjoy exclusive benefits while supporting the Paris national Opera. The complete programme is available on the website at from September 1st onwards. Palais Garnier Place de l’Opéra 75009 Paris Opéra Bastille Place de la Bastille … Daring to the point of excess, new in form and ideally suited to composition...” So wrote Verdi in 1853. Chamber music concerts by musicians of the Paris Opera Orchestra Chamber music concerts by musicians of the Paris Opera Orchestra The musicians and members of the Paris Opera Orchestra and Chorus are offering a series of lunchtime concerts preceded by an introductory meeting. The complete programme is available on the website at from September 1st onwards. The interior is..." "The seats are … Opéra. 2020. “En raison d’un mouvement de grève nationale, la représentation du Trouvère de ce jeudi 28 juin à l’Opéra Bastille sera donnée dans un décor unique.
Rudolf Noureev.
The Opera Bastille will be closed from Saturday 13th July to Thursday 29th August at 12:00. 2020 au 02 janv. The Paris Opera offers self-guided and guided visits to enable you to discover the wealth of the public areas at the Palais Garnier, a masterpiece of 19th century theatre architecture. By appropriating Alexandre Dumas’ novel Famous for his adaptations and reinterpretations of classical texts and his hyperrealist scenography, Simon Stone sets La Traviata in the Paris of today. 2021. En vente le 08 sept. 2020 à partir de 12h. The complete programme is available on the website at from September 1st onwards.