Fait d'acier, de brass, de cuire et d'aluminium.

3 cylindres Sorties ... Nous fabriquons des radiateurs ... New Holland will provide funding and will have stands at key agricultural shows and events – where it can raise awareness of the work of the BBKA amongst farmers, land-owners and contractors.New Holland has developed an online Carbon Footprint Calculator (called CarbonID calculator), verified by SGS, to calculate the New Holland is supporting different projects based on energy production from New Holland introduced several innovation and patents on its products.

Longueuil/Rive Sud

The most frequently used controls have been placed in this armrest to improve ergonomics and productivity.The Crop ID system records information in real time about every bale.

2 200,00 $ Treuils forestier Fransguard, pour tracteur John Deere, Kubota, Case, New Holland, Kioti... Plusieurs modeles en inventaire.

NEW HOLLAND WEBSITE. The free-form halogen lighting was a first, not only in tractor design, but also actually preceded the use of this type of lighting in automotive design. The system penetrates in the bale chamber for positive wrapping material delivery.

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The opposing motion of the grain pan and bottom sieve to the pre-sieve reduces overall machine vibrations and increases operator comfort.The SideWinder II armrest is a new command control for T6, T7, T8 and T9 tractor ranges. CR9000 was awarded by AE50 Award for Engineering Innovation for the IntelliView monitor