Argentina. The data is provided "as is" without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness. In addition, a postcode can include several political communes (e.g. Just use our lookup by address feature at the top of the page or click on the our interactive map to access your needed zip code. Australia.

They don't follow political divisions (cantons, districts), but they follow a Today, the third digit has no real meaning anymore. Just click on the location you desire for a postal code/address for your mails destination.Each administrative division maintains its own postal code for mail delivery purposes. Brazil. Argentina. The postal code of big cities finish with 00, and it is not allocated if in the region there isn't a big center. Interactive map of zip codes in Switzerland. Having the correct code is essential to your mails delivery. France. Popular Codes.

This is an online tool (Mashup) to search postal code of a place, address or city in Neuchatel, Switzerland. Postal codes (ZIP) Auvernier - 2012. Canada. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. France. Unsure which region to choose? Neuchatel Postal Codes - Find the list of all zip codes or postal codes belongs to Neuchatel area of Canton De Neuchatel, Switzerland. Interactive map of zip codes in Neuchatel District, Switzerland. Note that many cities from Neuchatel, Switzerland may have multiple localities in it, so the clicking on "Show Postal Code" below may only show postal code of central locality. Click on the "Show Postal Code" button to go get its postal code. Argentina. Note that the postal code may be searched with nearby approximation. Language: WWW.POSTLEITZAHL.NAME List of postal codes / ZIP codes Austria / Germany / Switzerland ZIP Austria (4877), Switzerland (4608), Germany (16460) Switzerland / Canton de Neuchâtel / District de Boudry / Auvernier. Brazil. Unsure which city to choose? Just use our lookup by address feature at the top of the page or click on the our interactive map to access your needed zip code. Locate the correct postal codes for Neuchatel District in the list above by clicking the destination region you are sending to. The following list of postal codes for Marin-Epagnier, Switzerland is derived from

Chile. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. Brazil. Cliquez sur le code postal choisi pour obtenir plus d'information. Locate the correct postal codes for Neuchatel in the list above by clicking the destination region you are sending to. "9011", "AB1", "9980-999") or a city (eg.

Locate the correct postal codes for Neuchatel District in the list above by clicking the destination region you are sending to.Unsure which region to choose? China. Just use our lookup by address feature at the top of the page or click on the our interactive map to access your needed zip code. Code postal, Les services postaux Neuchâtel, 2000. Just use our lookup by address feature at the top of the page or click on the our interactive map to access your needed zip code. Germany. Below is the select list of some major cities from Neuchatel, Switzerland. In Switzerland, the postal codes have four digits. Format of postal codes (PLZ/NPA) The Swiss postal codes are assigned geographically, from west to east. As with the postcode system introduced in Germany in 1993, a municipality can receive several postcodes. Code postal Neuchâtel - 2000. Popular Codes. Just click on the location you desire for a postal code/address for your mails destination.Each administrative division maintains its own postal code for mail delivery purposes. Neuchâtel: City: La Brévine: Place Name: Les Taillères: Location: 46.9706-6.5762: What are Switzerland post codes? China. Germany. Colombia. Canada . Having the correct code is essential to your mails delivery. This is an online tool (Mashup) to search postal code of a place, address or city in Switzerland.

Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. On 26 June 1964, Swiss Post introduced postal codes as the third country after Germany (1941) and the United States (1963). Locate the correct postal codes for Neuchatel in the list above by choosing the destination city or town you are sending to. Just click on the location you desire for a postal code/address for your mails destination.Each administrative division maintains its own postal code for mail delivery purposes. Cambodia. The systematics behind the codes follows the distribution strategy that was then based on railway lines and postal bus lines. Le code postal 2000 est utilisé dans les communications postales avec l'adresse de Neuchâtel.Cela devrait faciliter l'identification automatique du point de livraison. This will display the postal code of the selected location from Neuchatel, Switzerland on Google map. Postal codes for region Val-De-Travers District, Switzerland. It's mainly used in postal address for the goal of categorizing mail. Locate the correct postal codes for Switzerland in the list above by clicking the destination region you are sending to.Unsure which region to choose? In the past, mail was assigned to fixed railway or truck routes, but modern logistics do not need this practice any more. Country Switzerland. Neuchâtel 3 Code postal (Suisse) Neuchâtel 3 Code postal: 2003 (Nombre des codes postaux: 1 articles). Cambodia. ZIP Auvernier. Chile . Neuchâtel - postal codes Either enter a postal code (eg.