It's my personal favorite. Move all but 7 of them out of the box.Within Cheat Engine, type in the value 7 and click First Scan. My only real complaint with it is the followup strong attack. Enough vit to use the armor you want. This thing is a beast when you upgrade it.Fume UGS, with a parrying dagger or buckler in your offhand. 1-1. Submit. I … It's like reverse phantom range.Also going for their behind on the second swing is usually very safe. I am always shocked when I watch PC footage (ur a PC user I believe), it plays so much differently. From here, remove more Lifegems so you only have 4. Enough dex to use a decent bow.
It's quicker, so I guess it's a bit of a trade off. Make sure the Hex checkbox is Now that we’re ready to start, we must begin by finding the ID of a specific item. Wish it was just a repeat of the first strong attack over again.Thank you for making this video! Sold by Head of Vengarl for 5000 Souls in Shaded Woods. Only a few famed warriors have ever wielded this great blade, for it challenges the very limits of human ability. I really hate how it was like a beast in Dark Souls 1 and you could just reck with it even one handed and then they nerfed it. Treasure in …
Good luck and watch out for those parries when not two-handing.I'm using the curved great sword you get from the bird lady, non boss weapon. Runner up for either Smelter sword if you want to change things up with Fire or Magic damage.So either Knight as starting class or Bandit, which will give you a 14 dex allowing you some more weapon choices.Anything above say 18 Dex and you are looking more and more like a quality build.
Back in your game, choose to move more of the Lifegems, but do Use the above table to find the ID of the item you wish to spawn into your game. Edit the value to whatever you’d like. Runner up for either … Depending on what armour you want to wear (I always have light or medium, never heavy) and which sword you want to use you'll have to pump up your vitality. If you have some time, try farming for a Drakekeep UGS, it's great!Also, you'll want to keep something in your off hand to deal with backstab fishers, or backstep fanatics who are difficult to hit. The greatsword has the chop moveset and delayed heavy swing which is harder to use but does more base damage and S scaling also.Greatsword UGS and Zweihander. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. If you're going to go to 200 or 250 then you'll probably want to get the stats for Sacred Oath or something since FUGS can't be buffed.I would recommend the basic great sword and just upgrade it as soon as possible. Reply Replies (3) 14 +1. Dark Souls 2 Wiki Guide: Weapons, Walkthrough, armor, strategies, maps, rings, bosses, items and more. Enter this value, and click Next Scan.
You’ll know you have the correct address selected if you see the value change to your selected number within the game.From the previous steps, double click the address of your Lifegems to make the values appear in the Advanced Options box. Hey guys I'm wanting to do a strength build for an ultra greatswordCan you recommend a good sword and an example of point distribution?In sotfs I believe there is one in the house at the top of the hill with the bleed monsters in No Man's WharfDrakekeeper UGS is a solid choice.
Wiki non-officiel français de Dark Souls II, jeu créé par From Software I prefer the Zwei type moveset, but you should try both the swords to determine which you like better. Also it's the closest thing in terms of looks (in DS2) to the weapon wielded by IRON FUCKING TARKUS.Well shit, I didn't even know that existed and I'm 250 hours into this game.I just want a UGS or GS that's more like the Cursed GSoA.I'm happy for you and imma let you finish, but the Zweihander is the best ugs of all time.I really hate how it was like a beast in Dark Souls 1 and you could just reck with it even one handed and then they nerfed it.
Other than that, fill out your stats however you see fit to do so.I recommend the Drakewing UGS for PvP and a Zwei for PvE. :(At least it's still pretty great in Dark Souls 2 though. Can go RobFlynn with very light armour like the Lion set or just use something like the Alva set and get more VIT. Where did my torch go ? It is advised to do this solely in offline mode. It's quicker, so I guess it's a bit of a trade off. 0-1. I live in an area where I have a ton of latency as well. And as a final nte, you are going to have to deal with people backstabbing you a lot, or at least attempting it....swinging your UGS a lot will do that. I would probably go 40-50 str. My only real complaint with it is the followup strong attack. I love UGS weapons and other large weapons. Submit. This eliminates some of the options, ultimately narrowing it down for us.Do this once more, changing the value to 2. I prefer the Zwei and BKUGS, but they're all great.The only one I can stand using is Pursuer's because Fashion Souls. I've been using the Black Witch set for a while, but it doesn't seem to do very much.Hey, I just killed a warlock wearing that animal skull & used a bonefire acetic. We encourage the use of cheats to … Acquired From.