Opera in three acts (1853) After Alexandre Dumas Fils, La Dame aux camélias.

This production is no longer available for subscriptionThis production is no longer available for subscription Germont has written to the young woman to tell her that Alfredo wounded the baron in the duel.

Alfredo’s only desire is vengeance. Palais Garnier - from 09 September to 16 October 2019Certain scenes may be inappropriate for the young and the easily offended.Beginning his opera with a prelude for strings of unprecedented economy of means, in 1853, Verdi affirmed his intention of defying conventions and norms.

Une Traviata à l’aune des réseaux sociaux, magnifiquement portée par la soprano sud-africaine Pretty Yende et le ténor Benjamin Bernheim, tel est le pari audacieux mais réussi de Simon Stone.

But she pulls herself together: her destiny is not to live for the love of a single man and she must remain free to follow the paths of pleasure.Three months have passed.

He decides to go back to Paris to find the necessary money.