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Most Thai Muslims are Sunnis, although Thailand has a diverse population that includes immigrants from around the world. 0000005932 00000 n 0000002648 00000 n Il s'agit du peuple Une partie de l'ethnie chinoise Chin Ho est musulmane, issue du L'islam est représenté officiellement en Thaïlande par le

Q & A on menstruation and post partum bleeding -III Tahaarah (Purity) Social Problems Family Disintegration and Its Relation to Child Delinquency.

0000004931 00000 n trailer The terms ‘Thai Islam’ and ‘Thai Muslim’, however, had been created during Pibulsongkham government in the early 1940s. 1186 0 obj<>stream Popular opinion seems to hold that a vast majority of the country's According to the National Statistics Office, in 2005, Muslims in Thailand's Muslim population is diverse, with ethnic groups having migrated from as far as Many Thai Muslims are ethnically and linguistically Thai, who are either hereditary Muslims, Muslims by intermarriage, or recent converts to the faith. Most Thai Muslims are Sunnis, although Thailand has a diverse population that includes immigrants from around the world. Country: Thailand. 0000003452 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000002120 00000 n

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x���A 0ð�o\�cW}����$)ѫ�����sx����'� ��� There are 3,494 mosques in Thailand.


Ethnic Thai Muslims live mainly in the central and southern provinces - varying from entire Muslim communities to mixed settlements.In the three southernmost border provinces, the vast majority of the local Muslim population is predominantly Malay, amounting to about 80 percent of the region's population.The high number of Malay origin inhabitants in the southern region is due to the historical nature of the area, which contains parts of the In the far north, as well as in select central and southern urban areas, there are pockets of Thai Muslims of As well as being home to many Chinese Muslims, Northern Thailand is home to many Burmese and mixed Chinese-Burmese or According to a 1685 account of a Persian diplomat as well as notes of the French traveller Generally believers of the Islamic faith in Thailand follow certain customs and traditions associated with traditional For Thai Muslims, like their co-coreligionists in Southeast Asia's other Buddhist-majority countries, According to the National Statistics Office of Thailand in 2007, the country had 3494 mosques, with the largest number, 636, in Thailand also maintains several hundred Islamic schools at the primary and secondary levels, as well as Islamic banks, including the Region: Southeast Asia. De islamitische Thai leven voornamelijk in het zuiden van Thailand. $��(�-q�A��S����ROwu$�%�F�'@�XWD���0!M>����L�I �#�:Q{�P�,Li�i�M^��� �> d��N�0m3��_RB�C�㠟9����B�xw:醇�\g�I}L��kaq�i�r��]3j�R�R�9bu~��rE��X/�9�'_�2⌗Uxl�;�|�RIș������#���A���$�b���6�n�[��1���G� V�� Muslims have lived in and around Thailand – and before that, Siam – for centuries. 0000016576 00000 n xref Islam. La Thaïlande fait partie de l'Organisation de la coopération islamique (OCI) depuis 19981. 0000002280 00000 n

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La foi musulmane en Thaïlande intègre souvent des pratiques et des croyances d'autres religions ou des cultures ancestrales.

Buddhism is the largest religion in Thailand, which is practiced by 95% of the population.There is no official state religion in the Thai constitution, which guarantees religious freedom for all Thai citizens, though the king is required by law to be a Theravada Buddhist.The main religion practised in Thailand is Buddhism, but there is a strong undercurrent of Hinduism with a class of … Het geloof in Allah staat centraal. %%EOF 12 The case of Malacca is the classical example of this process noted above, but undoubtedly there were other cases.

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Naast het Boeddhisme is ook de Islam een belangrijke geloofsovertuiging in Thailand.

La plupart des musulmans thaïlandais sont sunnites, et d'origine malaise pour les deux tiers. of Islam in Malaysia and Indonesia, whereby a Muslim immigrant would marry into an in­ digenous ruler's family. Thailand last minutes %$�ۺ_�chAIV������%����tt1�

Popular opinion seems to hold that a vast majority of the country's According to the National Statistics Office, in 2005, Muslims in Thailand's Muslim population is diverse, with ethnic groups having migrated from as far as Many Thai Muslims are ethnically and linguistically Thai, who are either hereditary Muslims, Muslims by intermarriage, or recent converts to the faith.

Het tweede geloof in Thailand is de islam.