Director Wright and his co-writer, Pegg, tap their inner Jerry Bruckheimers in this highly amusing action comedy. La película obtuvo … Hot Fuzz, Edgar Wright's follow-up to his extremely popular zombie satire Shaun of the Dead (2004), improves on the latter's strong points in every conceivable way while drastically tightening up its weakest elements. View All Photos (29)
Timothy Dalton is really enjoying himself, sending up his period as James Bond with wanton abandon. A literate deconstruction of action movie tropes, while also being intelligent enough to actually offer a passable genre movie in the process.
When playing upon the clichés of the gruff, melting-heart mentor and the newly hardened pupil, Hot Fuzz crackles. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers.They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating.They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. Original Score: 4.5/5
April 20, 2007 Anna Kendrick’s Five Favorite Films
× Close Sign up for Rotten Tomatoes. There's real fondness not just for the crash-a-tons being referenced, but also for a homey, practically imaginary England Added: May 27, 2020 A top London cop who is so good at his job that he makes his fellow officers look like slackers by comparison is March 13, 2011 English [Stereo] Eligible for Family Library. Summer's always great for a handful of big, fun movies, but Spring of 2007 looks to be shaping up into something pretty special. and Ask A Policeman, which revolved around extraordinary things happening in the middle of nowhere, and brings them screaming into the 21st century with his own astute observations. April 20, 2007
| A pair of rather amusing teaser trailers for the boys' next project: The cop comedy "Hot Fuzz"! Sie ist der zweite Teil der Blood-and-Ice-Cream-Trilogie.Wie bei den anderen beiden Filmen der Reihe führte Edgar Wright Regie, Simon Pegg übernahm die Hauptrolle, und beide zusammen schrieben das Drehbuch.
The plot mixes well over the top storytelling with some more intimate moments, all glued very well with humor and wit. Hot Fuzz: Official Clip - The Battle for Sandford Begins 1:00 In particular, it takes the suburban drudgery and small social landscape of Shaun of the Dead (where zombies serve as the perfect interruption to our lead's repetitive social life) and expands it to lovingly skewer an entire way of life in the West Country. April 20, 2007 Hot Fuzz, Edgar Wright's follow-up to his extremely popular zombie satire Shaun of the Dead (2004), improves on the latter's strong points in every conceivable way while drastically tightening up its weakest elements.
All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer April 20, 2007