Upon returning, Kakashi informed the Third Hokage of a Root member who saved him but would be punished by … Awalnya Hayate menjadi instruktur untuk Yugao dalam teknik berpedang sebelum Yugao menjadi Anbu. As Baki praised him for his skill and effort, he used his Blade of Wind technique to kill Hayate. She and Hayate clashed with their Dance of the Crescent Moon techniques and later she used her Hazy Moon Night against his Yūgao Uzuki is a playable character in the following video games: Ele também foi descrito sendo uma pessoa individualista e gentil. At first sight, Hayate appeared to be not in the best of health, as he had an unexplained chronic cough and eye bags. Despite his plea for her to stop him, Yūgao finds herself unable to fight Hayate. She has the signature Anbu tattoo on her right shoulder. Ele também tinha um grande senso de dever a sua aldeia, como quando arriscou a vida para espionar Kabuto Yakushi e Baki. In the anime, during her childhood, Yūgao was selected to join the Anbu due to her skill in kenjutsu and sensory abilities. When things are" When he is reincarnated, Hayate immediately recognises Kabuto, and asks him what happened leading up to and after his death. During the battle between The next day, he was again forced to fight against his former comrades and took on a dramatically weakened Naruto, attacking him with taijutsu and defeating him with the In the anime, Hayate was reincarnated by Kabuto to assist him in finding corpses of elite shinobi to be used as tools against the Later with the release of the Impure World Reincarnation, Hayate's soul was returned to the Hayate Gekkō is a playable character in the following video games: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. At first sight, Hayate appeared to be not in the best of health, as …

She also wears the standard Anbu uniform, consisting of black and grey armour, metal arm guards and a katana strapped to her back. The anime showed that Hayate was adept at using the At first sight, Hayate appeared to be not in the best of health, as he had an unexplained chronic cough and eye bags. Feeling his consciousness slipping away, Hayate quickly charges at Later with the release of the Impure World Reincarnation, Hayate's soul was returned to the afterlife. Jan 2, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Linh Ng.. He subsequently flees to deliver the scroll to Kabuto. The next day, he was again forced to fight against his former comrades and took on a dramatically weakened Naruto, attacking him with taijutsu and defeating him with the Dance of the Crescent Moon. While attacking the Medical Camp, he spotted his lover Yūgao. She is a ninja who seeks vengeance for her lover Hayate Gekko who was murdered by Baki. He was also described as being an Hayate seemed to be well known and respected by his fellow Konoha ninja as many of them, including Hayate had short brown hair, dark-coloured eyes and dark markings under his eyes. 3. your own Pins on Pinterest 243 points • 18 comments - If hinata had a normal eyes.. - 9GAG has the best funny pics, gifs, videos, gaming, anime In the anime, at some point, Hayate was chosen to be Yūgao Uzuki's instructor in kenjutsu; the time the two spent training together eventually led to them falling in love with each other.

After a short battle with Baki, Hayate used his Dance of the Crescent Moon technique on him. Before he could escape to tell the Third Hokage what he had learned, he was sensed by the two and chased down. Du peu qui a été vu d'elle, elle semble être une personne attentionnée et fidèle. Ele se preocupava profundamente com sua nam… As an Anbu member, Yūgao wears a porcelain mask resembling a cat with three red stripes — one vertical stripe on the forehead and two horizontal stripes, one on each cheek. 147 Followers, 185 Following, 1 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from M/w @Uzuki.Yugao ♡ (@hayate.gekkoe) Hayate parecia ser bem conhecido e respeitado por seus companheiros ninja de Konoha como muitos deles, incluindo Kakashi Hatake, estavam tristes depois de saber de sua morte. Era fidanzato con Yugao Uzuki. Kabuto takes a moment to explain the failed invasion and the effects of his death. His body was found the next day by a squad of Anbu, including Yūgao, who had been sent to investigate the sounds of a disturbance in the area. Melatih Yugao beberapa tahun, hubungan mereka berkembang menjadi pasangan kekasih. Hayate Gekko adalah teman satu angkatan Kakashi. He also had a great sense of duty to his village, as he risked his life to spy on Kabuto Yakushi and Baki.Hayate seemed to be well known and respected by his fellow Konoha ninja as many of them, including Kakashi Hatake, were saddened after learning of his death.

He cared deeply about his girlfriend Yūgao, displaying a light teasing mood when alon… He is soon tracked down by Sakura Haruno, whom he quickly recognised from her participation in the Chūnin Exams, after noting that she has become a fine shinobi, he effortlessly overwhelms her in a brief struggle, however she is saved by Yūgao who has mustered the courage to face Hayate after remembering their promise. Though her skills are yet to be displayed in the manga, as an Anbu member, Yūgao is a highly skilled Yūgao using the Enclosing Technique to store corpses.While in the manga, her skill in kenjutsu is unknown, the anime expands on this. Hayate Gekko adalah karakter yang cukup populer di era awal-awal Naruto.Sayangnya memang dia sudah mati sebelum final ujian chuunin karena Baki dari Suna dan tugasnya sebagai pengawas final ujian chuunin digantikan Genma. Anche se era un giovane, aveva delle rughe … She is protective of her partners and is not afraid of putting her life on the line for the succession of a mission. Il fut aussi décrit comme étant un individualiste et un homme doux. [2] Evidence It is revealed that they are lovers. Yūgao aparece en el centro médico de Konoha frente a tres ANBU muertos que han sido asesinados por Kabuto.Hayate aparece preocupado por Yūgao y el Tercer Hokage le envía una misión de espiar a Kabuto, antes de partir Hayate hacia su misión, Yūgao le dice que si necesita ayuda, que la pida y le hace … Even though he was a young man, he had pronounced lines under his eyes as well as an unexplained chronic cough that plagued him. Baki was dooped and found out later he was just a pawn put in place by Kabuto Yakushi.