In case you have discovered other tips or strategies, that we haven’t included in this guide, feel free to let us know by leaving a message in the comment area! While most RPGs encourage the opposite – others want players to savor the different experiences during the leveling process – Calibria wants its players to get as strong as they can as fast as they can, so they can get to the best rewards and unlock all of the game’s content.Character progression in Calibria involves leveling up heroes to attain more power, which will then allow players to progress through the game’s world and overarching story.

Calibria: Crystal Guardians is one MMORPG game. It features over 200 heroes that you can use to build the best team for the battle arena! For the fastest way to level up and get stronger in the game, follow these tips and tricks:Starter Perks are Calibria’s tutorial missions.

The Dragoon is also capable of dispelling magic and stunning enemies, giving him enhanced utility and usefulness in any role.A-Tier Despite being only a 3-Star Hero, the Windwalker is a must-have Assist Hero, especially for players who want to farm content.

Green is a go, while Red signals a weak attack.One of the coolest things about Calibria: Crystal Guardians is that heroes have upwards of 7 abilities to choose from, even though they can only use 3 of these in battle. Even as you progress through the game and obtain more heroes, it can be excruciating to level more than 5-6 characters at a time. Having Selene in your party has been proven to be the difference between victory and defeat in a lot of cases, as she outclasses almost any other healer in the game.S-Tier Another 5-Star Assist Hero, the Elven Queen is a well-rounded hero that excels in almost every role. Tanks and Defensive heroes will need more health and defenses, while your offensive Attack heroes might make better use of speed and attack than increased survivability.With Calibria’s Factions mechanic coming into play at mid- to high-level content, gameplay becomes deeper and complexity increased, but in a good way. These include:All in all, the ideal team should contain at least 1 Support hero, 1-2 Tank and/or Defense heroes, as well as 2-3 Attack heroes.

Mars Game Network Technology Co., Ltd. has recently published a new gacha game called Calibria: Crystal Guardians where you build the squad of heroes to crush the monsters in the chapter and a wide range of game modes with increasing difficulty. These are the Attack heroes, Defense heroes, Assist heroes, and Tank heroes. To make your powerful team, you have to need to understand each hero and power of each and every one. If, on the other hand, you’re trying to defeat a difficult boss, you’ll have a much easier time using single-target Attackers and a couple of bulky Tanks/Defenders.Factions are not a big deal during the early-game for two main reasons: 1) you don’t have enough heroes to be too picky about who you use on your team and 2) the battles are too easy for you to actually worry about min-maxing your choices.

Tank heroes are designed to take massive amounts of damage, sacrificing offensive capability for crowd-control effects.If you want to succeed in Calibria: Crystal Guardians, its important to mix and match hero types to create a well-rounded party.

(In some cases BlueStacks uses affiliate links when linking to Google Play) In our guide to upgrading Calibria heroes, we mentioned how important it is to find the right units before you start investing precious upgrade materials in them. Una can also dispell buffs from enemies, making her one of the best heroes to use against a Healing/Buff focused enemy,A-Tier A 5-Star Attack Hero, the Dragoon is a fearsome combatant capable of outputting massive amounts of damage while staying healthy and alive with his naturally high defenses. Even for doing the most basic tasks – like opening certain menus, perusing features, or doing things you would normally be doing anyway like leveling up heroes and battling monsters – the Starter Perks reward players with Gems (premium currency), experience, energy, and so much more.If you’re just starting out, doing all the Starter Perks is a quick way to give yourself a decent boost towards higher-level play. There are a total of 5 factions in the game and they work as follows:Activating a faction bonus gives you increased damage and additional crit rating, while fighting against a faction that is stronger than you reduces your damage and hit chance. With the power to deal damage, dispell enemy buffs, and slow enemies, and increase the speed of his allies (when Captain), the Druid is a popular pick that has helped many players through the more challenging levels of Calibria.A-Tier Una, as players may know as the elven girl who shows players the ropes in the in-game tutorial, is a 4-star Assist Hero that sees plenty of use in high-level play thanks to her unique ability to prevent enemy healing for a time. Calibria: Crystal Guardians - Tier List : There are many heroes in the Calibria: Crystal Guardians game. Defense heroes are outfitted with stats and skills to provide the party with defensive buffs and abilities. An exciting and unique addition to the hybrid card-based RPGs for mobile, Calibria: Crystal Guardians offers tons of new gameplay elements and introduces over 200+ heroes across multiple factions. So this would be all in this post on Calibria: Crystal Guardians Tier List. Gained as a reward for a handful of quests, and sometimes (although rarely) as a drop from battle, EXP Cats, if you have enough of them, are the de facto fastest way to level up, bar none. These are the Attack heroes, Defense heroes, Assist heroes, and Tank heroes. These rewards are definitely much more than what simple battle can offer.The Growth Plan is nearly limitless and will continue to provide players with tasks and goals, as well as ever-increasing rewards.