It's possible to make it a quadruplet if you can use Legato to add another note.Legato is simply another name for pull-off's, and hammer-on's. Welcome!! There is some very important information about the mechanics of both the left and right hands.
In this video we look at the guitar itself – how it works, what we call all of the parts of it, and how we talk about where you put your fingers.
$14.99 a month for 3 months after 7-Day Free Trial.
As we discuss how to arrange your own solo, we’ll learn the essence of how the flamenco mind thinks. This will help you make sense of all of your future flamenco studies. That is a 25% Discount.
In this video we look at the strings themselves and their names. Palmas are the original percussion instrument in flamenco and an essential part of the music and the culture.We learn some of the chords that we’ll need to start playing flamenco!Now that we’ve learned some chords and we’ve learned the basic compás of Soleá we start putting it all together on the guitar!Lesson 4 includes 14 videos covering: Important Reminder, Soleá, Syncopation, Escobilla and Rasgueado, Escobilla Arpeggio, Falsetas, Thumb Technique, Picado Exercises, Picado Falseta, Arpeggio Falseta, Alzapua Falseta, Bar Chords, Advanced Falseta and Ending A Soleá.A word from Kai about what we’re about to do, and how to proceed if you’re a little overwhelmed at this point. This is hugely important not only for your sound, but for learning to play with ease and without hurting yourself.We learn our first chords and how to play them.
If you don't know what these are, pull-off's are simply when you play a note on one string, and then pull-off with your finger to play a lower note on the same string without picking or plucking with your picking hand. I'm very passionate about guitars and music in general, so I decided to put that passion into action and create something useful to help others looking to learn how to play this instrument.Would you love to have this print-ready guitar practice schedule to help you manage your training times and routine? If you’re new to bar chords or if you’ve ever had any tension or pain from playing bar chords you’ll want to check this out.
By the end of this lesson we’ll really sound like flamenco guitarists!We look at another one of the main Escobilla melodies used in Soleá and we introduce arpeggio technique, which is the basis for much of our right-hand technique on the guitar. It's used to play single notes and single-line scales.
Lesson 1 includes four videos covering: Guitar Anatomy, String Names, Tuning and Capos.How does a guitar work and what are the parts all called? Everything you need to know to get started!The names of the strings and a little bit about note names (not much!) Golpe is the act of tapping your finger on the body of the guitar, either below or above the strings, to create a percussion sound.
Guest Post Bio: Alvaro Antona is a flamenco guitar teacher and artist. After 3 months price goes back to $19.99 a month. First we talk about Soleá, the Palo (style) that we’ll be using to learn flamenco throughout this course, and then we dive in to playing compás.We look at syncopation – or playing off the beat. There are so many ways you can play the Rasgueado, as demonstrated in the video above, and there is no wrong or correct way to do it. It is time now to talk about the basic techniques of the flamenco guitar, and start playing flamenco on the guitar right away! This is a good video to watch if this is all new to you.