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Later he attended the Ciprian Porumbescu Conservatory.
Zamfir was born in Găeşti, Romania, on April 6, 1941.
Instead, he was assigned to a p…
Interviu cu Gheorghe Zamfir: „Pentru poporul ăsta am bocit, pentru el m-am rugat în toate catedralele lumii, lui i-am adresat mesaje, lui îi adresez zi de zi rugăciunile mele.” -Ați cucerit întreaga lume cu naiul… cum ați ales acest instrument?
Let us know what you think of the Last.fm website. Gheorghe Zamfir is a Romanian artist: composer, interpreter, poet.
His first appearance as soloist interpreter in a movie soundtrack was in Another of his notable contributions was to the soundtrack of the classic 1975 Australian film His song "Frunzuliță Lemn Adus Cântec De Nuntă" ("Fluttering Green Leaves Wedding Song") appears in the 1991
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In 1969 he left Ciocîrlia and started his own Zamfir's big break in the English-speaking world came when the After nearly a decade-long absence, Zamfir returned to Canada in January 2006 for a seven-city tour with the Traffic Strings quintet.In 2012, Zamfir performed at the opening ceremony of the 11th Conference of Parties to the In 2019, Zamfir appeared on stage at the Phish from Vermont's New Year's Eve celebration at Madison Square Garden.
Attracted to music he entered the Gaiesti Music School, hoping to study the accordion. Javascript is required to view shouts on this page.
In 1959 Zamfir receives the First Prize in a national contest. 4
Gheorghe Zamfir is a Romanian artist: composer, interpreter, poet.
He was born in Gaiesti, on the 6th of april 1941. The same year, he recorded the first songs, personal compositions in a popul…
Gheorghe Zamfir is a Romanian artist: composer, interpreter, poet.
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Gheorghe Zamfir (né le 6 avril 19411 à Găești, en Roumanie) est un musicien et compositeur roumain, virtuose de naï, la flûte de pan roumaine.