Join innovative and intelligent students like you in the pursuit of a world-class degree in Arts and Science. We are located on the beautiful Laurentian Escarpment, surrounded by trails, ponds and lakes. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences at USEK, founded in 2019, is the result of the merge of the Faculty of Letters, Philosophy and Humanities, Sciences and Music and is an academic reengineering process decided in 2017.

We are home to more than 1,700 members of staff, from academics and associate lecturers to support staff and full-time research students. Our campus provides access to natural resources right outside the door and our labs are fully equipped to support your learning. At Nipissing we have a variety of science programs ranging from geography to computer science. With 27 academic departments spanning the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, the School fosters strength across the traditional disciplines and is hub of interdisciplinary excellence at Penn. Master's programmes fully taught in English are offered within various fields of study. The pathway admits students applying directly from secondary school who have an average below the 70% admission requirement.Nipissing University sits on the territory of Nipissing First Nation, the territory of the Anishnabek, within lands protected by the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850.100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7© Nipissing University 2020 "It builds a sense of community when you share ideas," says creative writing student Danielle Steinke. The Faculty of Arts and Science is pleased to announce a new initiative that supports the transition from high school to university. Through our customized classes, students gain the skills and knowledge required for continued success as they work towards their Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. This blend gives students and researchers a new perspective on academia as both all-round and specialised. You must complete the test Students who wish to register for the French Placement Test must send an email to Nicole Savage at Students will receive an email confirmation with their appointment time to do the oral test with Nicole Savage (between 1:00 pm and 9:00 pm).There are a variety of degree programs in Arts and Science in Humanities, Sciences, Fine Arts and Social Sciences.The Faculty of Arts and Science is pleased to announce a new initiative that supports the transition from high school to university. Learning and interaction in education is central. Here you will find information on the programs of study, courses, important dates, and the rules/regulations of the Faculty. Welcome to the 2020-21 Academic Calendar of the Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences is unique in that the whole teaching and scholarly effort is organised around issues central to the international community and modern society. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences offers bachelor's programmes, master's programmes and single-subject courses within some 40 subjects areas encompassing behavioural sciences, economics and business administration, commercial law, humanities, computer science, natural sciences and social sciences. A spread of single-subject courses is offered to Swedish and international students.Studies at the Faculty are characterized by in-depth subject knowledge, interdisciplinary working methods, an international outlook and new ideas. This test will evaluate the language competency of students and enable them to enroll in the appropriate language level. Faculty of Arts & Science Office of the Dean Programs Academic Planning Departments Centres and Institutes News & Events Contact Us #macewanu Beyond the page. This pathway is intended for students who are determined to earn a university education but have faced challenges in an academic environment. Student initiative and participation in the educational process is encouraged. Changes will likely occur as the province and its municipalities adjust to new data about the virus. Thematically organised research along with more disciplinary research paves the way for research areas and research themes with strong social relevance.