Je souhaite l'obtenir Je ne souhaite pas l'obtenir . MA-Shops (Comptoir des Coins) Add to watchlist. A member of this site wants to exchange it: Numista uses cookies to ensure you make the best experience on our website. Ecu 1761 A Frankreich Louis Xv, Écu au bandeau, Paris, Silver, Km:512 1. Numista does not buy or sell coins or metal. MA-Shops (Comptoir des Coins) Add to watchlist. ISBN 9782950320704. Numista does not buy or sell coins or metal. Louis XV (1715-1774) Type: Standard circulation coin: Years: 1742-1771 : Value: 120 Sols = 6 Pound Tournois = 1 Ecu (6) Currency: Livre tournois (781-1795) Composition: Silver (.917) Weight: 29.488 g: Diameter: 41 mm: Thickness: 2 mm: Shape: Round: Orientation: Coin alignment ↑↓ Demonetized: Yes Buy: $76.34. Les monnaies françaises royales: de Hugues Capet à Louis XVI, (987-1793). Buy: $19.05.
This index is based on the data of Numista members collections. Louis XV (1715-1774) Type: Standard circulation coin: Year: 1716 : Value: 35 Sols = 7/4 Pound Tournois = 1/2 Ecu (7/4) Currency: Livre tournois (781-1795) Composition: Silver (.917) Weight: 15.296 g: Diameter: 34.5 mm: Thickness: 3 mm: Shape: Round: Orientation: Coin alignment ↑↓ Demonetized: Yes Numista n'achète et ne vend pas de pièces ou billets. Buste de Louis XV à gauche, la tête nue, le cou cravaté, portant le cordon et la croix de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit sur une veste brodée. Louis XV (1715-1774) Type: Standard circulation coin: Years: 1740-1773 : Value: 120 Sols = 6 Pound Tournois = 1 Ecu (6) Currency: Livre tournois (781-1795) Composition: Silver (.917) Weight: 29.488 g: Diameter: 41 mm: Shape: Round: Orientation: Coin alignment ↑↓ Demonetized: Yes: References This index is based on the data of Numista members collections. This value is given for information purpose only. Revers. It is based on a price of silver at 682 GBP/kg. 1200 réis (contremarqué sur "1 ecu - Louis XVI; France") - Luis I; Gestion de ma collection. (Mm) sous le buste. Pour gérer votre collection, veuillez vous connecter ou si ce n'est pas déjà fait, inscrivez-vous. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies. Maison Platt, Paris, France. Louis XV (1715-1774) Type: Standard circulation coin: Years: 1720-1724 : Value: 25 Sols = 5/4 Livre Tournois = 1/2 Ecu (5/4) Currency: Livre tournois (781-1795) Composition: Silver (.917) Weight: 12.237 g: Diameter: 33 mm: Shape: Round: Orientation: Coin alignment ↑↓ Demonetized: Yes: References Fiche détaillée de la pièce 1 ECU, Louis XV, France, avec photos et gestion de votre collection et des échanges : tirages, descriptions, métal, poids, valeur et autres infos numismatiques légende commençant à 19 h. Inscription : LUD • XV • D • G • FR • ET • NAV • REX (mg) Traduction : Louis XV, par la grâce de Dieu, roi de France et de Navarre . Since some users own several versions, the sum may be greater than 100%. Since some users own several versions, the sum may be greater than 100%.No member from this site currently wants to exchange it.Numista uses cookies to ensure you make the best experience on our website. This value is given for information purpose only. It is based on a price of silver at 896 USD/kg. It ranges from 0 to 100, 0 meaning a very common coin or banknote and 100 meaning a rare coin or banknote among Numista members. KM# 578, ... Elles servent de mesure, mais elles ne sont pas destinées à définir un prix pour acheter, vendre ou échanger. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies. Louis XV Half Sol D' Aix 1769 . 1/2 Ecu, 44 Sols 1729 C Frankreich Louis Xv, 1/2 Écu aux branches d\'olivier, Caen, Km 484 5 Silver. Frequencies show the percentage of Numista users who own each year or variety among all the users who own this coin. Louis XV (1715-1774) Type: Standard circulation coin: Years: 1726-1741 : Value: 120 Sols = 6 Pound Tournois = 1 Ecu (6) Currency: Livre tournois (781-1795) Composition: Silver (.917) Weight: 29.488 g: Diameter: 41 mm: Thickness: 2.6 mm: Shape: Round: Orientation: Coin alignment ↑↓ Demonetized: Yes Buy: $76.34. Frequencies show the percentage of Numista users who own each year or variety among all the users who own this coin. It ranges from 0 to 100, 0 meaning a very common coin or banknote and 100 meaning a rare coin or banknote among Numista members.