From subtle overdrive all the way up to full-on heavy metal fuzz, distortion tends to go hand in hand with the electric guitar. Its compression-like nature means that we can use it to add warmth to individual sounds.
They create warm fuzz, rather than a harsh sound.
The creators were playing around, tweaking components rather than knobs, but it was still the ears and mind of the experimenter that guided the process. Most of the time, when we think about distortion we think about guitar amps.
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Distortion comes in a huge range of slightly different forms, from subtle analogue warmth to extreme metal fuzz, mild digital imprecision to eardrum-bursting clipping. We’ve talked recently about tube vs solid-state pre-amp s, their characteristics and the harmonics they create.. Distortion pedals, bitcrushing, soft clipping etc. Having a picture of a 'drive curve' of the final circuit offers nothing tangible for the music maker, nor the designer. you can say "why use a computer if you don't know how to program it" or "why use a hammer if you don't know how to make one".
In a similar vein, if you're looking to expand the range of distortion flavours available to you, it makes sense to seek out distortion devices with unfamiliar designs. much information....I think I'm actually more confused than before. At times, even the trained ear may have a hard time detecting which is occurring so no wonder they become mixed up. They add even multiples of our original signal.
Quelle est la différence entre distorsion et saturation? If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this.
It would only maybe satisfy an analytically minded techno enthusiasts curiosity.With a good overdive and eq you can emulate alot of distortion pedals.
You will hear gentle peak compression that adds warmth and power to our signal without breaking it down too much.
As I said, I know people will disagree, and I guess we could both forsee a long fruitless discussion about that.No not really. It's never wasted time, though, because every new processor you experiment with increases your experience and listening skills.All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2020.
En fait, si tu perces ton HP, tu as déjà une distortion. Citation : La distorsion est un terme général pour désigner l'altération du son. It can vary a lot in nature, from a smooth fuzz to harder-edged … But, when a signal is passed to Saturation makes a far more versatile mixing tool than distortion.
The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Saturation is distortion, but generally it's subtle and harmonically pleasing, while distortion is often used as 1) a strong overdrive-like effect (think distorted guitars) or 2) a term for an unwanted side-effect. In this context, you may also find the word 'distortion' used to imply a certain severity … Cool - doesn't really bother me all that much - just wondered if there is a logic behind using one over the other within the context of electronic music production.Cool - doesn't really bother me all that much - just wondered if there is a logic behind using one over the other within the context of electronic music production.It is not pilot's job to know how each part of his air-plane works.Yes, it is exactly his job to know what each crucial component of his plane does.But I didnt want to argue about that.
Saturation makes a far more versatile mixing tool than distortion.
Technically, even, let's say, reverb could be distortion.Distortion could be related to clipping too, or the unintentional noise and grit from analog. Donc on est 'accords, OverDrive et Saturation, c'est la même chose, c'est le gain Mais la disto', c'est la distorsion du son, on théorie ça devrait se trouver sur du clean aussi.. Y'a une difference entre le son "Grésillant" d'une rythmique et le son "Tranchant" d'un solo Inversely, odd harmonics would use odd multiples of our original signal. In that particular situation, all the terms are sensible, and have distinct meanings. The meaning of distortion nowadays is to fuck it up and add extra harmonics, but the technical meaning is to change a sound. This is one of the key things that separates distortion and saturation.
Overdrive distortion for example clips a signal creating harmonically related content.
For these reasons, it’s great for adding aggression to any sound. Hi all, I recently read this GuitarPlayer: Class A vs. Class AB in the class A section: Note that since the tube can’t go into cutoff and still be operating in class A, it can’t be driven into saturation either.
Generally, most pleasant distortion types have less third harmonic distortion and reinforce even order harmonics more.Saturation is distortion, but generally it's subtle and harmonically pleasing, while distortion is often used as 1) a strong overdrive-like effect (think distorted guitars) or 2) a term for an unwanted side-effect.The meaning of distortion nowadays is to fuck it up and add extra harmonics, but the technical meaning is to change a sound.