Every single leather item of the same itemlevel and slot will have the exact same amount of agility, stamina, and armor. Anima of Life : 21%. but none of what you said really holds any water or changes with an extra charge but the pull. If you had 3 charges, you’d use them at 0, 6, and 12, get a charge back at 17, use it at 18, DS would fall off at 24s, you’d get another charge at 34s, and again at 51s. Hi guys i'm a Demon Hunter on the realm Wyrmrest Accord, I stream from time to time. If you had 3 charges, you’d use them at 0, 6, and 12, get a charge back at 17, use it at 18, DS would fall off at 24s, you’d get another charge at 34s, and again at 51s. Charges recharge sequentially, not concurrently. Three stacks would allow for 100% uptime. RIPStalwart is the strongest of the weapon enchants for survivability, but the difference is fairly minor. Azerite Essences . an extra charge would help in mythics yes. you understand that right? Average Traits. Justwait is a veteran tank in Method, and has played all tank classes on a Mythic raiding level. Question - other than azerite traits, what is the difference between havoc and vengeance DH gear? you obv are over thinking it I think. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. There are no stam trinkets to my knowledge, and you would never want one of those anyway - our stam is boosted by 65% from the Demonic Wards passive, for all the good it does. Vengeance Demon Hunter is a high health tank, with self healing and a lot of utility. My monk with about 20 ilvls less can just about tank the same content.I think a third charge of demon spikes would go a long way to fix dh tanking, but I haven’t seen any glimmer of changes coming soon.a 3rd charge only helps on the pull.
Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Can I still tank well in heroic/mythic raids with DH havoc gear? If you use Demon Spikes at 0s and 6s, your first charge would come back up at 17s and your second charge at 34s (17 * 2). That’s why I recommend Vers+Haste as the generalized option if you want to do both, because it works well for both (ex. So long story short, I was tanking for my guild until we just found a better option.Question - other than azerite traits, what is the difference between havoc and vengeance DH gear? These overviews are an entry point. I have a lot that kicks in at low health so it seems to be tough to kill me at lowers then 30% though. it feels more smooth with barrier but that’s just meI know it’s not ideal, but I’ve actually macrod demon spikes into my spirit bomb, but just honestly because I’m lazy, lol. but on a boss it really has almost no effectCurrently, my tank gear has me at 1101 Haste (16.19%). If you are unfamiliar with Mythic+ and its associated general mechanics, you can read more about it on our dedicated Mythic+ page below. Major. I don’t know if its intended or not. but that only helps add 6 more secs to total uptime. This site provides an overview about trinkets, azerite traits, and others for almost all specs in World of Warcraft using SimulationCraft's default profiles. Honestly, the difference between them isn’t huge even for Havoc. If you’re an alchemist, building the 385/400/415 trinket isn’t a terrible idea either.Honestly, I use almost the same gear, aside from azerite pieces.I would strongly advise you to look at the traits you’re using, as we can be VERY squishy when demon spikes isn’t up.Hour of reaping is amazing, but not very controllable. Three stacks would allow for 100% uptime. RIPIs Stalwart that much more worth taking than Quick or Versatile? like am I supposed to be watching my health pool cut in half every 15 secs? There’s no difference, aside from Azerite traits, stat priorities, and trinkets. Does the latter have more stamina where havoc has more agility? If you use Demon Spikes at 0s and 6s, your first charge would come back up at 17s and your second charge at 34s (17 * 2). While we lack somewhat in the survival department, we make up for with a lot of utility and high tank DPS.
I try to stay away from strictly damage trinkets to get some more defensive benefit from stats instead, but your mileage may vary. Name % Anima of Death : 21%. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! the safeguard trinket for pvp I have found to be a godsend thus far.