Undead Purgatory does NOT lead here. If you go the extra step of killing the two just past the quarry after the bonfire as well, you can get 3k souls or more very quickly with little time/effort and just a few lightning spears/dark orbs/any form of ranged attacks that deal roughly 200 damage minimum.Peering over the edge, you can spot a rather large enemy standing in the middle of a poison lake, a Head through the small archway in the middle of the lakes wall and kill the skeleton to your right. Pummel him from a distance with ease, although take note that he seems to be somewhat resistant to poison and possibly hex magic.

Move very cautiously along it. Inside the cave, past the poison fumes, right next to the Fragrant Branch of Yore. From where you killed him, don't enter the building just yet. He will appear here after youhave talked to him in No-Man's Wharf. The item is at the corpse on the left side of the chamber. Go forth and then speak to thebefore saving at the Huntman's copse first bonfire.The Huntman's Copse area is ridiculously easy compared to what the hero has already gone through in previous areas, so defeat the enemies and get to the second bonfire.From the second bonfire, go out and cross the first bridge. Circle around the left of the poison pit to loot a corpse holding a Leave this cave, back out to the open and head up the slope to where you found the single Past this bonfire, you'll come upon a small quarry with several holes filled with poisonous gas.

Inside, there's a chest containing a When you are done collecting items, go up the stairs and through a stone tunnel located ahead. While running towards the giant, pay attention to the passageway on the right, leading to another part of this location.A very difficult encounter awaits you here - on a very limited area, you will be attacked by monsters you've encountered in the Now, use the other passageway. Four holes in the ground can be seen on the plaza - by jumping into them, you can collect various items. Defeat them as fast as possible and then concentrate on the wheeling skeletons. The Harvest Valley will -This will guide the hero on how to get to the Harvest Valley bonfire from the Huntsman's Copse area. Inside the cave with the poisonous fumes. There are lots of undead rogues along the ledge. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.Copyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Then look for a lever in the area beyond and lower the metal bridge. Once done here, proceed through the fog door to find the boss.Be careful at short range, this boss will bite, and hold you until all of your equipment is returned to your inventory leaving you to fight with no armor and no weapons.

First, go through the left branch. Form there head down and through the poison to a ladder which will take up back up through one of the holes in the open area mentioned earlier. Circle around the left of the poison pit to loot a corpse holding a Leave this cave, back out to the open and head up the slope to where you found the single Past this bonfire, you'll come upon a small quarry with several holes filled with poisonous gas. After you defeat the Red Phantom and climb onto the balcony, turn left and examine the wall - the item is past the illusion. In Dark Souls 2, the hero must get to Harvest Valley. Skeletons are enemies in Dark Souls II. Defeat the undead rogue.

Has Titanite Slab and Chloranthy Ring. The name "Harvest Valley" might make you think of large fields of nice healthy grains, but nothing could be farther from the truth. There is a small ramp leading into the posion to your left. An enemy wielding a warhammer will run from the building.