The Uchigatana is very light and has low requirements, buffed you can defend yourself in melee pretty well without having to put many points in dex/strength. A weak version of Crystal Magic Weapon. All rights reserved. Does not work with: fire, Crystal.Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a Adds 85 * (MagicBonus / 100) in Magic damage to the weapon attack rating Crystal Magic Weapon is a Sorcery in Dark Souls 2. It's a shame that this spell becomes forgotte once you get crystal magic weapon. Fast forward to DS3 where you basically have to dump huge amounts of points into int just to match that damage even with CMW. Yeah, I tried MLGS but it was terrible even though I'm at 60 int right now. Type: Weapon Buff "A sorcery superior to Magic Weapon.
All Discussions ... with 50 int and 10 str/dex beat most of the game with the fire longsword you get at the begining and then infused it to magic longsword. Great Magic Weapon is a Sorcery in Dark Souls 2. If they added unique properties to these spells (damage over time, movement slowdown, etc...), they would be more useful.I can't use it on my Irithyl Straight Sword for some reason, even though I put my staff in Left hand it doesn't seem to be castable… I have the required Int and FP, anyone knows why I can't cast it?Can you use this if your weapon is in the same hand as your staff?I remember back in DS1, GMW + Oolacile Ivory added 198 *****ing damage for only 15 int. Great Magic Weapon is located in Anor Londo, on a chandelier in a structure housing the Painted World of Ariamis. Well, you've no-no'd the most obvious suggestion, a greatsword that scales amazingly from magic, with very low stat requirements. Crystal magic weapon added like 100 damage to the base damage of the magic sword and then there is the piercing 2 handed attack which is quite useful. Great Magic Weapon is a sorcery in Dark Souls II. It was my favorite low-investment buff setup, especially when paired with power within. Buffs weapon with magic damage. arround 350 damage per swing DARK SOULS™ II. © Valve Corporation. Succeeded by Great Magic Weapon in terms of damage. Last 60 seconds at 10 intelligence. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Applies a Magic buff to the weapon in the hand opposite the staff used to cast the spell. Great Magic Weapon is a Sorcery in Dark Souls. The BK halberd has higher requirements and also wheights conciderably more, yet it also does more damage and has a very long range. only my non infused weapons and the weapon I swapped from magic to raw were able to be infused. But axe does more poise damage.Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. This or blessed weapon?The wording of this has completely confused meWhat?How do you know that I have a nice day to day I don't have night class of the day after aThis spell can not be cast on to Crystal Infused WeaponsSo what determines or tells whether a weapon has sorcery capabilities, I've got the Uchigatana but it does not work with said blade. Hmmm.... What increases damage more? Not sure if there is a sign in game to tell me whether a sword can be reinforced with magic.In both magic weapon and great magic weapon, does the effect scale?Can this be used on Crystal Sage Rapier? Simply spawn at farron keep, turn around and run forward until you find it (skeleton leaning against a wall), and then u can open the door for a shortcut to the swampy area where enemies hold giant logs (so big it looks like an entire tree lol)I have a bunch of weapons with different infusions so I tried to see what I could enhance.
"Sorcery which improves upon Magic Weapon. To cast a Sorcery, you must use a Staff or Special Weapons that can cast Sorcery. I have a pure caster build with 50 int and 10 str/dex beat most of the game with the fire longsword you get at the begining and then infused it to magic longsword. Great Magic Weapon is a Sorcery in Dark Souls.To cast a sorcery, you must use a Catalyst or Special Weapons that can cast Sorceries.. Sorcery which improves upon Magic Weapon. Bandit's Knife. Greatsword... i think. Crystal magic weapon added like 100 damage to the base damage of the magic sword and then there is the piercing 2 handed attack which is quite useful.
I have a magic, holy, fire, dark and two boss weapons from the kiln. Requirements: 18 Intelligence. Uchigatana or Black knights halberd are very good weapons for a mage when you infuse them to the magic part you want.
Notes. Parrying Dagger. It does more damage than a greataxe. Looking for a good PvP weapon for my mage build To cast a Sorcery you must use a Staff or Special Weapons that can cast Sorceries.
I know a couple myself .
from what I found ONLY non elemental infusioned weapons could be buffed. many weaps infused with faintstone + buffed up work, from there it's mostly personal preference
Rip, my blue friendi dont get it: My crystal chime has 151 as final spell buff.Both Great Magic weapon and Darkmoon blade buff adds Magic damage to your weapon, however GMW cost 35fp per use and only requires 15 int in comparison to 30 fth and 50fp cost.
Dagger. To cast a Sorcery, you must use a Staff or Special Weapons that can cast Sorcery. Mytha's … To obtain the spell, the chain holding the chandelier must be cut while traversing the rafters on the upper levels of the room; the sorcery can be collected after reaching the lower level.