Jonas Kahnwald est lui aussi marqué par cette affaire mais également par le suicide de son père. In 2011 the EVA Operations group at NASA JSC had a problem common to many larger enterprises: Information required for employees to do their jobs was fragmented across multiple different sources. Once it had that critical mass of content other people found it so useful that it bothered them when they didn't find the information they were looking for on the wiki. By the end of the year it has a relatively large user base and many regular contributors, despite not being an approved project. For example, one group should be responsible for the launch dates of vehicles. Similarly, EVA planners can automatically generate a list of power and hardware inhibits to verify before the crew egress based on which hardware they will encounter and which locations on ISS they will traverse. For example, it quickly identified conflicting information about hardware specifications and rules for operational limitations once they were all accessible in a single-source tool.
Two started from scratch, but one was entirely imported from a SharePoint wiki using a custom-built script (The EVA Wiki makes extensive use of Semantic MediaWiki to connect missions (Space Shuttle flights, International Space Station expeditions) to EVAs, EVAs to astronauts, astronauts to training personnel, training personnel who are subject matter experts to specific hardware, and hardware to meeting notes. Les musiques originales de la série ont été composées par Le 30 mai 2019, la série est renouvelée pour une troisième et dernière saison. Just as important as the technical implementation of a wiki was the cultural transition to “The Wiki Way”: Elle est diffusée depuis le 27 juin 2020. Cela résulte inévitablement en des paradoxes temporels que la série explique et accepte, d'une part à travers le narrateur invitant le spectateur à ne pas voir le temps comme linéaire (du passé vers l'avenir) mais comme circulaireCette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète.
For example, a team planning an EVA using a new tool that is to be launched on a vehicle 3 months before their scheduled EVA will be automatically notified if that launch date slips within a month of their EVA. This encouraged those people to contribute. Des événements se déroulant en Pour la première saison : Louis Hoffmann a été décidé pour le rôle principal de Jonas Kahnwald, Oliver Masucci pour interpréter Ulrich Nielsen, Karoline Eichhorn pour le rôle de Charlotte Doppler, Jordis Triebel pour Katharina Nielsen et Mark Waschke pour Noah. One of the long-range goals is to enable inter-wiki semantic data transfer, as appropriate based on access restrictions. By using semantic queries to build lists and tables based on hardware, gaps in EVA knowledge were quickly uncovered. As of August 2015 there are 7 groups with wikis. Pour la troisième et dernière saison : Barbara Nusse pour le rôle de Eva l'alter-ego de Adam, Sammy Scheuritzel pour interpréter le frère de Erik Obendorf et Hans et Jakob Diehl pour un rôle inconnu. Eventually, they ran out of extensions and started learning to develop extensions in order to upgrade existing extensions and create new ones to support the needs of their wiki. The EVA Wiki took off as an unofficial but incredibly useful source of knowledge. Ce mécanisme temporel est utilisé par différents personnages pour se rendre à diverses époques et prendre part aux événements qui s'y déroulent, ce qui a pour conséquence d'affecter le futur de ces époques et donc le passé et le présent de celles d'où ces personnages viennent. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (En 2019, le policier Ulrich Nielsen cherche désespérément son fils disparu, Mikkel, âgé de 12 ans. For the first couple years building the EVA Wiki, whenever the admins asked the question, “Could the wiki do XYZ?” they ended up finding an extension that provided that functionality. To facilitate future growth a standardized wiki configuration is needed, as opposed to the separate configurations each of the current wikis have. Those individuals include astronauts, instructors, flight controllers, flight directors, engineers, and program managers. The wiki had become a much faster and easier-to-use resource for many aspects of EVA Operations. One of the biggest hurdles for the transition to using a wiki is convincing the group to change the way they think.
Eva Pearce is a white collar thief, kidnapper, and killer, first introduced in Season 6 of Murdoch Mysteries, portrayed by Daiva Johnston. Elle possède une centrale nucléaire tenue par la famille Tiedemann au centre d'une forêt dense, lieu d'événements mystérieux qui semblent défier la réalité Les machines reposant sur l'utilisation de la matière sombre opèrent par un mécanisme reliant le Tous les systèmes ont démontré la capacité et limitation commune de ne pouvoir voyager que précisément 33 ans dans le passé ou dans le futur. During annual proficiency training, instead of just reviewing the material, this small team imported the information into MediaWiki.
To address this, the EVA Wiki team has been working on building an all-in-one installation script for CentOS and RedHat called (Une exception est possible concernant le dernier système car l'utilisatrice mentionne « un autre monde », envisageant alors la possibilité que son système puisse s'y déplacer.) This would generally garner the response: "No, but you can".
The EVA Wiki also makes heavy usage of the HeaderFooter extension to put a generic footer at the bottom of each page, such that any related meeting notes, EVAs, missions, or rules are applicable to the subject. In 2014, these developers and admins created Enterprise MediaWiki (As more groups from Flight Operations hear about the EVA Wiki, they are requesting to start their own wiki. Les investigations des policiers et de certains habitants vont mettre en lumière une histoire qui recommence tous les trente-trois ans. EVA planning requires the knowledge of hundreds of interdependencies between personnel, hardware, vehicle launch dates, and numerous safety rules. Like many enterprise groups, the EVA group was accustomed to hierarchical data structures and limited their data to the tools they were comfortable with using (standard Office products).