This requires any alteration to it to be approved by the diocesan authorities after consulting the National Museum and the Royal Inspector of Listed State Buildings. After introducing Christianity into Denmark, and integrating Norway with the country, Harald Bluetooth proclaimed his achievements by erecting a stone between the two mounds and building the first wooden church at Jelling.The large runic stone is located exactly midway between the two mounds. The year is 965. This planned work will begin in 2010 and is due to be completed in 2013.The management plan for the property will be reviewed in 2010.In order to protect the Runic Stones from further erosion and keep them in their original position there is an urgent need to provide them with protection from the weather. Другой рунический камень и здание церкви относятся ко времени принятия христианства датчанами в середине X в.Los túmulos funerarios y una de las dos piedras rúnicas de este sitio constituyen ejemplos excepcionales de la cultura pagana nórdica, mientras que la segunda piedra rúnica y la iglesia ilustran la conversión del pueblo danés al cristianismo hacia mediados del siglo X.Jelling ligt in centraal Jutland en was een koninklijk monument in de 10e eeuw. The Jelling burial mounds and one of the runic stones are striking examples of pagan Nordic culture, while the other runic stone and the church illustrate the Christianization of the Danish people towards the middle of the 10th century.Les tumulus funéraires et l'une des pierres runiques sont des exemples exceptionnels de la culture païenne nordique, tandis que l'autre pierre runique et l'église rappellent la conversion du peuple danois au christianisme vers le milieu du Xتشكّل جثوات القبور وأحد الصخور الاسكندينافيّة أمثلةً استثنائيةً عن الثقافة الملحدة الشماليّة في حين أنّ الصخر الاسكندينافي الآخر والكنيسة يُذكّران باعتناق شعب دانمارك المسيحيّة عند منتصف القرن العاشر.耶灵墓地的坟冢和一个古代北欧文字的石碑是北欧文化中的异教徒文化的典型范例,而其他北欧文字的石碑和教堂则诠释了进入10世纪中期时,丹麦人逐渐基督教化的进程。Еллингские могильные холмы и один из рунических камней являются яркими примерами языческой культуры северных стран. A road to the south and west of the property impacts on this to a degree.The two large Jelling Mounds have retained their original form. This transition between pagan and Christian beliefs is vividly illustrated by the successive pagan burial mounds, one pagan runic stone, another commemorating the introduction of Christianity, and the emergence of the church representing Christian predominance. The setting of the property greatly contributes to its visual integrity. The competition winner was announced during early 2010, and the result may imply construction work that will be fully consulted upon.An extension of the buffer zone, to strengthen the relationship between the property and its setting, is being planned and this will decisively contribute to the integrated value of the whole monument and its environment. About Jelling Jelling is an impressive and significant archaeological Viking site in Denmark containing a series of important tenth century finds.
Jelling település Dániában.

However, the stone has been in its present location since about 1630. Originally the royal home of the Gorm the Old, Jelling remains a vital part of Denmark’s history, particularly as this Viking king was the first of the royal line which still rules the country today. Web Browser not supported for ESRI ArcGIS API version 4.10. Abstract: The royal complex at Jelling with its monumental references to royal power and Christianization stands as a key site in the archaeological and historical explanation of the political and religious transformations of the Scandinavian world at the end of the Viking Age. These discoveries are currently being subject to further investigations by the National Museum, and the Museum of Vejle.
Le Petras de Jelling es duo petras runic del annos 900 placiate ante le Ecclesia de Jelling in le citate Jelling in le parte sud del peninsula danese Jutlandia.Le petras runic es con le ecclesia e le duo grande dolmenes, le Monumentos de Jelling, registrate como Patrimonio Mundial per UNESCO como un de solmente tres monumentos in Danmark.. De runenstenen liggen precies in het midden tussen de heuvels. The complex consists of two flat-topped mounds, 70 metres in diameter and up to 11 metres high, which are almost identical in shape and size and construction, being built of turf, carefully stacked in even layers, with the grass side facing downwards. Het complex bestaat uit twee afgeplatte heuvels – 70 meter in diameter en 11 meter hoog – nagenoeg identiek qua vorm, grootte en constructie. A road near the southern mound will be removed in accordance with the planned buffer zone extension. Best Dining in Jelling, Vejle: See 548 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 7 Jelling restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more. Located in central Jutland, Jelling was a royal monument during the reigns of Gorm, and his son Harald Bluetooth, in the 10th century, and may possibly pre-date this era. A conservation order is in force for a distance of 1000m into the area north of Jelling to prevent the erection of any building or forestation, so that an uninterrupted view of the monument from this direction is maintained.The mounds and the two Runic Stones are protected under the Museum Act.