‘My mother had told me that the Number 21 Bus stops on the corner of 23rd Avenue, one avenue away from our house on 23-03 62nd street.’ ‘After going up several blocks on one avenue to reach a street supposedly open, when you had gone up that street to the next avenue, it was shut.’ Bij Urbanisme wordt uitgebreid aandacht besteed aan de technische en ruimtelijke mogelijkheden van het grondgebied enerzijds, en aan de veranderende maatschappelijke wensen voor het grondgebruik anderzijds. Ave. or Av. Keep in mind that the abbreviation of ADU is widely used in industries like banking, computing, educational, finance, governmental, and health.

n. 1. Abbr. What does ADU mean? This page is all about the acronym of AUD and its meanings as Agence d'Urbanisme et de Développement. Une avenue est un chemin menant à un lieu, ou peut-être, plus logiquement, venant d'un lieu. 2. a. Urbanisme is de studie van steden en hun ecologische, economische, culturele, sociale, geografische, en bestuurlijk-politieke impact op de omgeving. Avenues synonyms, Avenues pronunciation, Avenues translation, English dictionary definition of Avenues. This page is all about the acronym of ADU and its meanings as Agence de Développement et d'Urbanisme.

There may be more than one definition of ADU, so check … Examples: avenues of research; of thought; of wealth avenue synonyms, avenue pronunciation, avenue translation, English dictionary definition of avenue. A broad roadway lined with trees. Le Parc naturel régional des Caps et Marais d'Opale utilise la vidéo pour sensibiliser et expliquer les enjeux d'un urbanisme durable. A wide street or thoroughfare. ADU stands for Agence de Développement et d'Urbanisme. Par exemple l'avenue d'Avignon, à Sorgues, est la route venant (venue) d'Avignon. This is the British English definition of avenue.View American English definition of avenue.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Par extension, une avenue est une grande voie urbaine ou une plus petite plantée d’arbres, et à la campagne ou en forêt, une avenue est un chemin frayé dans la nature.

This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.The statues are all large; the palace is grand; the park covers a fair-sized county; the I directed Sola to proceed with Dejah Thoris along one of the less frequented A long life has taught me that a man may seem weak where women and children are concerned and yet be anything but a weakling in the sterner She ran out sobbing into the garden and as far as the pond, along the Turan hesitated a moment in the face of almost certain discovery and then, assured that they must take him for one of their own people, he moved boldly into the The rows of trees, running at right angles, enabled him to see along only one narrow The house in itself was already an historic document, though not, of course, as venerable as certain other old family houses in University Place and lower Fifth On the other side of the gate a sandy driver disappeared into an All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. There may be more than one definition of AUD, so check it … In addition to ADU, Agence de Développement et d'Urbanisme may be short for other acronyms. How to use ave in a sentence. a double row of trees or pillars acting as a passageway, also used figuratively. Please note that Agence d'Urbanisme et de Développement is not the only meaning of AUD. Ave definition is - an expression of greeting or of leave-taking : hail, farewell. Definition and synonyms of avenue from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. b. Please note that Agence de Développement et d'Urbanisme is not the only meaning of ADU. If you are visiting our non-English version and want to see the English version of Agence de Développement et d'Urbanisme, please scroll down to the bottom and you will see the meaning of Agence de Développement et d'Urbanisme in English language. Define avenue.