Finding that the two of them were still too heavy for Aang, Malina told Hakoda that she loved him and let go of his hand. We fought them and defeated them. As they race to stop this dogpocalypse, the gang discovers that Scooby has an epic destiny greater than anyone imagined. Katara agreed, saying that the city needed him, and Aang held her hand before telling her that the city needed both of them, and also a better name.By his early thirties, Aang's family had grown to include three children: After the Hundred Year War and the tensions of the Harmony Restoration Movement conflict, Aang managed to maintain peace. On the night before the invasion, his friends finally coaxed him to sleep, during which he defeated the Fire Lord in his dreams and regained his sense of fortitude.During the invasion, Aang became extremely upset upon not being able to find Fire Lord Ozai, believing that he had lost his only chance to defeat him and end the war.After the invasion, Aang was unwilling to face the reality of having to learn firebending, wanting instead to have some fun at the Western Air Temple; however, with the arrival of Zuko, he once again began training in earnest.Aang did show a somewhat flawed and stubborn side to his personality during the Harmony Restoration Movement. Later, Aang became frustrated, thinking that if he had listened to Toph and taken Liling's bending away, the conflict might be over by then, but Sokka reminded him that the bender supremacist movement was more than just Liling. Aang suggested for Zuko to stay hidden there for his safety, and that they could be friends. He effectively halted Yakone's getaway by severing his mount from the carriage he was perched upon with an air swipe. Serialul “Avatar: Legenda lui Aang“, urmărește aventurile lui Aang și ale prietenilor săi, care trebuie să salveze lumea înfrângându-l pe Lordul Focului și, astfel, să pună capăt războiului cu Națiunea Focului.
Upon arriving, Aang was shocked to see just how much the town had changed and how big it had grown.

Aang bent the water toward the Fire Nation fleet, but kept it hovering threateningly above them. Aang happily greeted the bystanders around them, but was met with no reaction.
She assured Sokka that Aang will back in a day, but Sokka was concerned the Fire Nation might catch him. He shrugged off further inquiries as being of no importance, as bowing to the statue was just how it was done. Aang dove into the pool, trying to pursue her while dodging spirit animals. Oong? However, before they could talk it out, they were attacked by Azula, who demanded the return of the letter. In turn, Aang rescued Zuko from capture when he was knocked unconscious in their escape attempt. With his health failing and sensing his end was near, Aang tasked the Order of the White Lotus to search for and watch over the next Avatar.As is tradition, a statue of Aang was also added to the At age seventeen, Korra moved from the safety of the However, it was not until Korra was at an extremely low point in life due to losing her bending that she inadvertently summoned Aang's spirit for the first time.

He was confused as to why benders would set the building on fire and then just run off.

As an Air Nomad, Aang traveled extensively around the world.

Suddenly, As soon as they got outside the city gates, they witnessed Gilak stabbing Hakoda. Together with Fire Lord Zuko and the rest of their friends, he transformed all the former Fire Nation colonies into the United Republic of Nations, where a metropolis named Sometime during this period, Aang married Katara and they had three children: Bumi, a nonbender who gained the ability to airbend in 171 AG, Kya, a waterbender, and Tenzin, an airbender.In 128 AG, the city was suffering from a high rate of crime due to a notorious crime boss named However, employing the Avatar State, Aang regained his senses, allowing him to pursue the criminal. He asked if she would keep people away from the event and, after Katara's assurance, entered the Avatar State, creating an elemental sphere and rising into the air. Soak-ah?!