I do have a question.
Hey! respect!Thanks for the review, I wish you would give them your personal touch like that. Dont take me wrong, she is very useful, i got her max, she’s the second best starter (behind Kael).Athel’s A3 has a cooldown of 5, bookable to 4, making it effectively a 3 turn CD with the extra turn.i was wondering how giant slayer works on aoe spell. Attack an Enemy 3 times. It is nigh inevitable Dark Athel shall one day clash in battle with her hated “sister”. Leave a comment on the article if you spot mistakes or would like to share some info not shown here or notify if guide is outdated or missing something! Search in pages In short, both Kael and Athel are top Rare champions for early-mid game but will be outclassed by Epic/Legendary champions in late game once you get a better champion than them.
Early-Mid game is not so useful since most of the enemies have low base Defense.DMAC, I have the same issue for all my sacred order champions.I cannot seem to find a Amulet for Athel in Spiders Den. Welcome to my YouTube channel devoted to Raid Shadow Legends. I know it’s a lot. Athel. Search in title
History Talk (0) Comments Share. Any suggestions welcome…cheers! I can clean campaign stages or dungeon waves before the boss with one hit from DarkAthel.The key to her increased efficiency though lies in a) getting her skills to max in order to get the decrease cooldowns and b) getting her masteries up, especially with Cycle of Violence, which basically enables a cycling A3-A2-A1-A3-A2-A1… continuously (plus c) equipping her with a lifesteal+divine offense set to enable full-life self-regeneration after each hit and d) boosting magic side % from GreatHall, ok…).I was having the exact same question. ^^)@Foebiaen: DEF%/HP% increases Athel’s survivability in higher level dungeons and Clan Boss. Information : Le classement des champions de Raid Shadow Legends est classé sous 5 raretés (légendaire, épique, rare, peu commune et commune) et sous-classé en fonction du classement. Or if you like them or not (: thanks for everything you do.The image for the ATHEL MASTERY GUIDE > ARENA, CAMPAIGN, FACTION WARS shows the wrong last mastery… you say Warmaster but you selected flawless execution ;)Welcome to ayumilove.net! She's rare Magic Attack hero, with 3 active skills and a 15% Ally HP Aura in all Battles. When a Champion dies, his or her soul remains bound to the Shard. There is so many to go through and its a bit daunting. @Saurinks: Yes, you are right.
I'm still using the starter Lifesteal set with attack. Search in content
For campaign (up to catacombs narbuk nightmare) and spider’s den 15, she has been one of the two basic mass-wipers (along with Queen Eva in my case). Could you maybe suggest some Champions that fit this bill from the rare and/or epic champs. @Puttnam: I would highly recommend replacing Apothecary with a champion that can provide higher survivability for your current Clan Boss team. Athel Guide: Skills, Best Gears & Masteries Home RAID: Shadow Legends Champions Athel Guide: Skills, Best Gears & Masteries All of the Athel’s information, guide, … Even one of the admins at the game forum mentioned that Harvest of Despair, Dark Athel’s A3, was “pretty much meant for those pesky spiderlings”. Am I right ?Athel has a 3 hit A1 which means means Giantslayer which means Kael cant hold a candle to Athel. This is especially true if you want to be able to take down CB/dungeons on auto, because her extra turn just throws off everything.I understand you probably have a bit of a fanboy thing going for Athel, but if you need more that just my word, take literally every single major Youtuber playing this game who ALL say Kael is a top champ that can have utility well into late game, compared to Athel who does not make any of the “best rare” lists.On a separate note, why would you want warmaster over flawless execution for arena/campaign/faction? I have her geared and leveled up. Search in posts
Game Helper - the art of winning video games. @Urtoroth Lobopálido: Athel will do much more damage against high defensive champions with Cruel Set. Eager to gain a powerful servant, Siroth was swift to try and corrupt the noble paladin’s heart. @Ohboy: Lifesteal is a 4 piece set.
It has been rectified :)Welcome to ayumilove.net! Healers would have a difficult time to keep up healing as they will have approximately 3 turns of cooldown to recover (2 turns cooldown for some Legendary champions).Nice job for all your guide. Athel mastery and equipment guide. Raid: Shadow Legends tier list, secrets and tips. If we clean higher stages it’s better to have defense or hp than dealing damage and beeing squichy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts
By the time you reach at Brutal Clan Boss stage, you could come across better Epic/Legendary champions that also outclass Kael in terms of Poison too (similar to what you have pointed to Athel).