Covering Aspects 1 to 7, these teacher-made activities aim to develop children's speaking and listening skills and lay the foundations for Phase 2.
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Includes Varying Syllable Picture Cards, voice sound cards and teaching cards for words with 2 or 3 Phonemes.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Seven aspects and three strands. <> A collection of resources to help with the teaching of phase 1 of the DFES Letters and Sounds phonics teaching programme.
endobj Your email address will not be published. 6Øn‰»ßÅ—†SöñÍ}´mƆ� Letters and Sounds: Phase One. ü§”¹ |°š”Ö&ë4ú³Ÿ.-½¹‚¢šXO’ Kú—ªQßÅôШl÷E™-Â`¥´ ¤>nÜ”ƒ‹ô¨FÁ}±0¨)Aµ-!O>€Á…¬äªFñ£z}é)}G ó°Ï6x
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