He then covered his face with his cloak and burst into tears.

He wrote to all the kings, especially Seleucus, offering to surrender all the territory he controlled and proposing himself as a hostage for his father's release, but to no avail. In 272 BC, The most important Peloponnesian city after Sparta was Argos. When he was sacrificing to the gods in Corinth, he sent portions of the meat to Aratus at Sicyon, and complimented Aratus in front of his guests: "I thought this Sicyonian youth was only a lover of liberty and of his fellow-citizens, but now I look upon him as a good judge of the manners and actions of kings. ...Pirro (gr. -gònio [der. When the sun rose, Pyrrhus saw how strong the opposition was and decided the best thing was to retreat. Antigone II Gonatas (en grec ancien Αντίγονος Γονατᾶς / Antigonos Gonatas) est un roi de Macédoine de 277 à 239 av. After plundering Macedonia, the Gauls invaded further regions of Greece moving southwards. Indeed, with the help of Aristeas, he was plotting to seize the city. ; † 239 v. Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA Aware that the Greeks loved freedom and autonomy, he was careful to grant a semblance of this in as much as it did not clash with his own power. The two forces now paused and waited for daylight. G. Wissowa et alii (Stuttgart, 1893-1972 ~ ~) But Aratus was far from becoming a friend of Antigonus, whom he regarded as the oppressor of his city's freedom. Vedi anche Demetrius Poliorcetes). The Megarians revolted and together with the In 239 BC, Antigonus died at the age of 80 and left his kingdom to his son In 287 BC, Pyrrhus took the Macedonian city of By separating himself from his son and departing into Asia, Demetrius seemed to take his bad luck with him, but in reality it was the fear and the jealousy of the other kings. Ptolemy's fleet was driven off and Athens surrendered. C Coins of Antigonus II Gonatas‎ (10 F) File nella categoria "Antigonus II Gonatas" Questa categoria contiene 4 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 4. Later, Alcyoneus discovered Helenus, Pyrrhus's son, disguised in threadbare clothes. The campaign however went better than expected. After two years in which little changed, Having successfully repelled the external threat to his control of Greece, the main danger to the power of Antigonus lay in the Greek love of liberty. - Figlio (n. 319 - m. 272 a. C.) di Eacida, re d'Epiro. This encouraged him to look for another war, so the next year, after adding a force of Gallic mercenaries to his army, he invaded Macedonia with the intention of filling his coffers with plunder. – Secondo elemento compositivo di parole scientifiche, che indica: in zoologia, cellule germinali femminili e maschili (prima del periodo di accrescimento che le trasformerà in gonociti), come in... - Nome di varie principesse e regine macedoni, tra cui si ricorda la figlia di Antipatro, vissuta tra il 350 circa e il 288. Figlio di Demetrio Poliorcete e di Fila; alla morte del padre (283 a.C.) assunse il titolo di re, ma conseguì il potere effettivo su tutta la Macedonia solo nel 277 in seguito a una sua grande vittoria, presso Lisimachia, sui galli che avevano invaso la Penisola ...('Α. Following the capture of his father, Antigonus proved himself a dutiful son. He called Antigonus a shameless man for still wearing the purple, but he did little to destroy the remnants of his power. Antigonus cooperated in the defence of Greece against the barbarians, but it was the The next year (277 BC), Antigonus, sailed to the Hellespont, landing near Pyrrhus's retreat from Italy, however, proved very unlucky for Antigonus. To support the Athenians and prevent the power of Antigonus from growing too much, The Seleucid Empire had signed a peace treaty with Egypt, but Antiochus's son-in-law, Ptolemy II continued to interfere in the affairs of Greece and this led to war in 261. Al potere dal 307 al 303, fu cacciato dal regno, rientrandovi nel 297. His Gallic troops seized the market place, but he had difficulty getting his elephants into the city through the small gates. Egli si segnalò ... Before this campaign was finished, Pyrrhus had embarked upon a new one. Demètrio I re di Macedonia, detto il Poliorcete (gr. Returning to Epirus with an army of eight thousand foot and five hundred horse, he was in need of money to pay them.