Sauvez la série Galactik Football !!! This Flux is now coveted by the ruthless General Bleylock, who happily endangers the Snow Kids to get his hands on it. The Snow Kids beat the Red Tigers, becoming the new Akillian team. After Ahito's recovery he and Yuki share duties as goalkeeper and upon finding in his favour the League allows Rocket to return to the team, which he eventually did. C'est lui qui a trouvé le nom de l'équipe "Snow Kids". Si le sommeil est son élément, le Galactik Football n'en reste pas moins une passion. Pendant les tirs au but, Yuki se blesse à la cheville, ce qui l'oblige à rentrer sur le terrain. trop bô trop fort trop cool Il sera aussi très fier de sa petite cousine Yuki, qui est une gardienne de but remarquable ! Les Xenons sont de grands êtres reptiliens. However, Rocket's father and Aarch's brother does not want him on the team, and agree only to let him play on the condition that the newly named Snow Kids win a match against the incumbent Akillian team, the Red Tigers, who are coached by Aarch's estranged old friend and team-mate, Artegor Nexus. After a bad Accueil. Also he has goggles on his forehead, though he never puts them on properly. In season 2, Ahito falls ill and is replaced as goalkeeper by his cousin Yuki. He also has an extremely close friendhip with Clamp. During the penalty shootout to decide the cup, Yuki saves the shot, but badly damages her ankle, forcing Ahito to face Luur in the final shootout. Chacun ses gouts.^^ Ils ont leur charme.

Feb 20, 2018 - Explore Myosotis's board "Galactik football" on Pinterest. Le reste de l'équipe effectuera une visite à Akillian pour lui remonter le moral. Galactik Football is a 2006 French animated television series produced by Gaumont Alphanim that mixes conventional 2D animation with 3D computer graphics.

D'ailleurs, lors de la première rencontre du groupe avec Aarch, Ahito est bien le seul à le reconnaitre. He never has a bad word to say about any of his team mates and tends to keep out of most arguments. Its third 26-episode season aired in Europe in June 2010. Ahito est le frère de Thran. Ahito is the goalkeeper for the Snow Kids and twin brother to Thran. C'est sa cousine Yuki qui le remplace en tant que gardien de but. However at the moment there was something more interesting in the holo-trainer: Holograms of the best players in the Galactik Football Cup took shape on the floating football pitch.

Il a l'étrange capacité à s'endormir n'importe où et n'importe quand, même en plein match. Il ne dépend que de nous….
Tia was then taken off the team after it was revealed she had run awa… Elle apparaît pour la première fois dans la saison 2. Avec D'Jok, Micro-Ice et Thran, ils l'aident à échapper à Bellow et à ses sbires, tout en démontrant ses talents de gardiens de but (il protège le bar des tirs de ses amis). After being officially regognised as a Galactik Football team, Aarch's nephew Rocket became a midfielder for the team. Galactik Football . D'ailleurs, lors de la première rencontre du groupe avec Aarch, Ahito est bien le seul à le reconnaître. Aarch aims to create a new Akillian Galactik Football team capable of winning the Cup, and selects a group of talented teenagers for his team: D'Jok, Sinedd, Micro-Ice, Mei, Thran, Ahito, Rocket, and Tia. Unknown to any of them is that all seven of the players have been affected by the Meta-Flux, a synthetic undetectable Flux, inadvertently created by Clamp and pirate Sonny Blackbones, that was the true origin of the Akillian Ice Age. He normally is good with advice and tips, but can be sometimes inattentive. Ahito would've noticed him even with his eyes closed. Ahito is a a good-natured and relaxed individual. After training with Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

L'équipe des Xenons représente la planète Xenon. The first person was Warren. He is a defender of the Snow Kids and twin brother to Ahito. Also, Rocket is suspended from the team due to illegal use of The Breath and is replaced by Mark, another young Akillian footballer, who had previously been considered as a substitute player. He is narcoleptic and in the second season, he is struck down by a terrible illness and has to be temporarily replaced with his cousin Yuki. Il est narcoleptique. Il est un ami de longue date de D'Jok, Micro-Ice et Mark.Lors de la première rencontre du groupe avec Aarch, Ahito est bien le seul à le reconnaître.

Ahito has quite long dark blue hair which is always uncombed and asian face - yellowish skin, narrow silvergrey eyes and a small beard.

Téléchargements. See more ideas about Football, Sports anime, Cartoon. Puis il semble prendre le contrôle sur sa maladie, en partie grâce à sa convalescence sur Akillian qui lui a permi de se reposer.Il semble vivre pour jouer au football : dans la saison 2, il tente tout pour rester sur le terrain malgré sa maladie, qui a être un peu égoïste, mais il veut aider son équipe de toutes ses forces.Dans certains épisodes, il appelle Thran son "grand frère" de sorte qu'il semble être le plus jeune d'entre eux. ( Such as in the middle of matches. )