If you're struggling, use Humanity to reverse the hollowing and summon Solaire just before the fog door to help you out. The Belfry Gargoyles are a boss team in Dark Souls 2.
If the gargoyle takes off, move away or get ready to dodge its plunging attack. Watch the video below for tips and strategies for defeating the Dark Souls boss The Gargoyles start the fight separated. You can summon Solaire of Astora here as an NPC to help you in this fight. Fortunately, this gargoyle is already severely injured (it arrives at half-health). Once the first gargoyle is cut down to half its health, the second gargoyle will join the fight. They are also in an area guarded by the invasion-themed PvP Covenant Bell Keepers, so reaching them in online mode can be challenging. This Boss can be found in the Undead
For the Dark Souls II variant, see Belfry Gargoyles.. The Bell Gargoyles is one of the Bosses found in Dark Souls.
They may also drop the Gargoyle's Halberd or the Gargoyle's Helm. They also have a small chance to drop a Gargoyle Shield and Gargoyle Helm. Trying to circle the gargoyle while holding up a shield is a good way to avoid its long-reaching frontal attacks. The fight begins with the constant danger of falling off (target-locking, coupled with the camera angle and narrow field of view, can make it hard to see where the main character's feet are) and facing off against a single gargoyle on top of the church roof. He will tank a good amount of the damage and keep the first gargoyle busy while you take out the second. The Bell Gargoyles are a pair of bosses and also a mini-boss in Dark Souls. If you have a heavy shield or thick armor, tanking your way through the hits is also a viable option. Intense action within the dungeons, encounters with terrifying enemies and innovative online features combine for a unique gaming experience. Magic will also work well against them, and Pyromancers can toss fireballs at them with decent effects. You can use the angle of the roof to your advantage to stay underneath a number of attacks. Bell Gargoyles boss strategy. Their attacks and speed are improved and up to six gargoyles can appear. A strategy for the second gargoyle is for the player to run to the bottom of the rotating staircase before activating the lever, where the gargoyle (on a ledge above) will be unable to reach them. This lone enemy will employ various wide reaching melee attacks against the player. The Gargoyles are dangerous enough alone and use their large axes and fire attacks to cause significant damage to the player. A fire-resistant shield such as the The two Gargoyles fought in Anor Londo breathe lightning rather than fire, so a lightning-resistant shield will prove beneficial. The best thing to do is continue to focus on the one that is half dead.
The Bell Gargoyles is one of the Bosses found in Dark Souls. Players having difficulty managing their positioning against the two gargoyles should save any consumables (ex., Both Gargoyles wield halberds and can breathe fire, although the first gargoyle usually will only breathe fire after the second one jumps down. After the first reaches 50% health, his friend will join the fight. Trying to take them both on at once will often result in death. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Bell Gargoyles are the fight that you can summon someone in to help you. Also present in Dark Souls, the new group is much more ferocious. More commonly used after the appearance of the second gargoyle. Having a heater shield, which can be bought from the Undead Burg merchant, can help limit the damage from the fire breath. Upon death they drop 10,000 souls, 1 Twin Humanity, a Gargoyle Tail Axe (If the player cut off one of their tails during battle) and a Gargoyle Halberd. If you're up to it, try to cut off the first gargoyle's tail (by attacking his rear) to get the Gargoyle Axe. The first one will approach you alone until he reaches half health. Only used after the appearance of the second gargoyle, but can only be performed by the original gargoyle. It has the same attacks as the first gargoyle minus the ones that involve flying or using the tail. If you can keep him away from his friend, he isn't that powerful and will fall quickly.
However, this means it must then be defeated with ranged attacks.
The best option is to dodge away and under his wide swings. The second one will always hang back a bit, as he tries to use fire to hit you. This Boss can be found in the Although at first it may seem as if there's just one foe to fight up on the roof of Undead Parish, about halfway through the battle a second Bell Gargoyle will join the skirmish, making things even trickier. A spiritual successor to Demons Souls, the action RPG Dark Souls is set in a rich, dark fantasy universe.