Be aware that you are obliged to carry your ticket with you during the journey.If you buy your ticket on the bus, make sure that the ticket is issued by the ticket machine which most buses have nowadays. If you choose a different bus company for your return trip, the price is the same as for the one way ticket.Discounted ticket is usually available for kids and in most cases also pensioners.
Pour réserver votre voyage en bus France Croatie, vous pouvez visiter le site d'Eurolines, principale compagnie d'autobus en Europe.Vous pouvez également rechercher sur Kelbillet votre ticket de bus entre France et Croatie, pour vous rendre à Zagreb, Split, ou Rijeka en utilisant la recherche ci-dessus ou le moteur de recherche KelBillet. FlixBus offre également des tarifs préférentiels pour les enfants. Croatia Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,836,979 reviews of Croatia Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Croatia resource. The Interrail France Pass let's you travel comfortably to all highlights of France, like Paris, the French Riviera or the Loire Valley. Avec l'opérateur FlixBus plus vous achetez votre ticket tôt plus le tarif de votre ticket destination Croatie sera avantageux. (function (h, o, t, j, a, r) { h.hj = h.hj || function () { (h.hj.q = h.hj.q || []).push(arguments) }; h._hjSettings = {hjid: 67837, hjsv: 5}; a = o.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; r = o.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = t + h._hjSettings.hjid + j + h._hjSettings.hjsv; a.appendChild(r); })(window, document, '//', '.js?sv=') All routes are operated by private bus companies, who have been issued licences to serve specific routes.The main bus hubs in Croatia are Zagreb, Rijeka, Zadar, Split and Dubrovnik, from those cities you can reach most other cities in Croatia.From Croatia there are all year around connections, to Germany, Austria, Italy, Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and even Sweden.During the summer season, especially in July and August, there is a large number of additional summer holiday bus routes to the Adriatic coast, from almost any country in Europe.From countries like Germany, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and the UK, there is a wide range of coach holidays to cities along the Adriatic coast.Meanwhile the bus fleet in Croatia is quite new. if you are not sure where to get off the bus.Compared to other means of transport bus is fairly cheap, price on the most competitive routes are about 50-60 lipa (7-9 cent) per Km. Ces voyages doivent être achetés au minimum 24 heures avant la date du départ. Chaque jour de nombreux cars Eurolines, FlixBus, Megabus circulent entre France et Croatie. Vous imprimez vos billets en ligne. Selon votre âge, des remises* spéciales peuvent s'appliquer sur le prix standard seulement :
The newest and most modern buses usually serve the most popular routes like e.g. View the Interrail France Pass Interrail Global Pass. Zagreb to Rijeka or Split.Not all drivers speak English or other foreign languages, which can lead to misunderstanding in certain cases, but generally it is not a problem related to travelling. During the summer season, especially in July and August, there is a large number of additional summer holiday bus routes to the Adriatic coast, from almost any country in Europe.
En réservant à l'avance, vous serez certain d'obtenir les meilleurs prix ! Avec le billet Promo, plus vous réservez tôt votre trajet, plus le prix sera bas! Split, cities near by, can also be reaches from where the metro bus departure.
Majority of the drivers are friendly and willing to help e.g.
Les compagnies de car comme Eurolines, FlixBus, Megabus demandent aux voyageurs pour les ©2005-2020 - Tous droits réservés - KelBillet est un site indépendant de la SNCF. spéciales. Vous avez rencontré un bug ?
Des promotions sont offertes pour les groupes de plus de 3 voyageurs qui peuvent profiter sur demande d'offres
La compagnie propose aussi des cartes
From Croatia there are all year around connections, to Germany, Austria, Italy, Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and even Sweden.
Payez moins cher votre trajet en bus en profitant des nombreuses réductions accessibles avec Eurolines. Principale compagnie de car en Europe, vous dénicherez sur le site d'Nous avons sélectionné pour vous une liste de tickets de
Vous utilisez la nouvelle version de KelBillet. prix standard de votre billet de bus de France à Croatie avec la
L'autocariste FlixBus propose des prix avantageux à partir de 5€ pour des voyages en France ou en Europe. The best way to get from Croatia to France is to fly which takes 2h 57m and costs 700 kn - 3.600 kn. rectification et d’opposition que vous pouvez exercer en écrivant à l’adresse Vos remarques et suggestions sont les bienvenues, même les plus critiques - et les plus enthousiastes. vous obtiendrez des meilleurs tarif et économiserez comparé à un voyage en TGV, avion ou véhicule personnel. Bus is the most used form of public transport in Croatia, the country has an extensive network of long distance, intercity and international buses. Les dates de saison* pour vos voyages en bus sont :
*The information provided below is valid under normal travel conditions, for current travel guidelines due to Covid-19, please find specific guidelines here. Interrail France Pass. Regular international bus lines connect Croatia with neighbouring countries and the majority of Central European and Western European countries. But the rules and discount scheme vary from company to company which can make it a bit complicated.Obviously the easiest way to buy a ticket is here on, alternatively it is possible to buy ticket at the bus station and in most cases also on the bus.